Parliamentary question - E-003408/2023Parliamentary question

Aircraft passenger health and safety

Question for written answer  E-003408/2023/rev.1
to the Commission
Rule 138
Nicolae Ştefănuță (Verts/ALE)

A PRO TV – Romania journalistic investigation has revealed major technical problems in low-cost airlines’ aircraft. The report mentions toxic vapours on board aircraft which have caused poisoning and endangered the health of all passengers. An investigation aired on Dutch television shows abuse of employees and practices of companies which can endanger travellers’ safety. To prevent any concern, the Commission should take action in relation to these companies, to investigate and inspect aircraft and employees’ working conditions, and not to tolerate any irregularities.

We cannot understand why it is the media that reveals problems and not the European Union Aviation Safety Agency, which ought to draw attention to these problems, or why it has not taken action so far.

Submitted: 17.11.2023

Last updated: 1 December 2023
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