Parliamentary question - E-000158/2024Parliamentary question

Situation of tax judges in Italy

Question for written answer  E-000158/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Aldo Patriciello (PPE)

On 27 September 2021, in his answer to question E-003783/2021[1], Commissioner Nicolas Schmit described the activity in question as ‘ancillary’, stating that he did not consider it appropriate to address the category of tax judges as such in separate infringement proceedings against Italy.

On 29 November 2021, in his answer to question E-004491/2021[2],Commissioner Schmit also stated that the Commission was not able to undertake a full legal analysis of the compliance with EU law of the national regulatory regime applying to tax judges.

Given the further developments in this matter (see complaint No CPLT(2023)02181) and subsequent requests for information between the parties, will the Commission initiate a prompt review of the request that the rights of Italy’s tax judges be recognised in the light of EU legislation and current case-law, as consolidated in relation to cases – of less consequence, moreover – involving honorary judges in Italy?


Last updated: 25 January 2024
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