Request for clarification on the gradual undermining of the fruit and vegetable growing industry: the case of Captan
Question for written answer E-000758/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Herbert Dorfmann (PPE), Lara Comi (PPE), Salvatore De Meo (PPE), Fulvio Martusciello (PPE), Stefania Zambelli (PPE), Matteo Gazzini (PPE)
The Commission plans to bring forward an implementing regulation regarding renewal of the authorisation for the active substance Captan, which will expire on 15 November 2024. Captan is a key active substance in the cultivation of several fruit and vegetable crops, using the ‘integrated production’ system.
Not all the statistical data on mitigating risk by means of a rationalisation of Captan doses using state-of-the art equipment and techniques has been assessed. Besides this, the possibility of adjusting doses based on the state of vegetative growth of the plants or the estimated phytosanitary risk, using decision support systems, has not been considered. The Member States may, all the same, adopt risk mitigation measures of their own.
Can the Commission therefore answer the following questions:
- 1.Were the use of Captan in the open air to be banned, which equally effective plant protection products would be available to farmers?
- 2.Why has the Commission not taken into consideration the statistical data supplied by businesses on the effectiveness of precision farming, which ensures that risks are mitigated and the use of plant protection products rationalised?
- 3.Has an impact study been conducted on the risks to farm productivity and profitability that would arise from limiting the use of Captan?