Parliamentary question - O-000017/2024Parliamentary question

Revoking the declared climate and environmental emergency


Question for oral answer  O-000017/2024
to the Commission
Rule 142
Christine Anderson, Anja Arndt, Marc Jongen
on behalf of the ESN Group

In its resolution of 28 November 2019 on the climate and environment emergency[1], Parliament declared a climate and environmental emergency, and made a commitment to prioritise climate action over other policy interests, such as jobs, growth and competitiveness.

Since then, various legislative and other measures have been adopted which collectively pose challenges to citizens’ socio-economic well-being, have significantly increased the cost of living and have negatively affected economic growth potential and competitiveness. After five years of prioritising climate action, it is time to adopt a new, more balanced approach.

Submitted: 5.12.2024

Lapses: 6.3.2025

Last updated: 9 December 2024
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