One Seat Petition - 630/2006
pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules of Procedure
by Marcin Libicki, on behalf of the Committee on Petitions
to the Council
The Petitions Committee has acknowledged and declared admissible a petition (Petition 630/2006 signed by Cecilia Malmström on behalf of the Campaign for Parliamentary Reform) which has the support of one and a quarter million people who are calling for the European Parliament to adopt a 'single seat' and thus avoid the current practice of meeting for twelve sessions per year in Strasbourg, as agreed in Edinburgh in 1992 and since enshrined in primary law. The petitioners consider that the Parliament would gain in effectiveness and accountability by being more visible to citizens while saving considerable sums of money which could be put to better use. The petition calls upon the European Parliament to take a position on this issue even though it is clear that the responsibility for any decision to change the current arrangement lies with the Member States of the European Union, and their governments.
Does the Council consider that the time has now come to finally agree on a single seat for the European Parliament in Brussels, and how does the Council propose to undertake such a change in view of this petition?
Tabled: 18.04.2008
Forwarded: 21.04.2008
Deadline for reply: 12.05.2008