Parliamentary question - O-000095/2016Parliamentary question

Implementation of reforms creating jobs and growth in Greece


Question for oral answer O-000095/2016
to the Commission
Rule 128
Sylvie Goulard, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Petr Ježek, Michael Theurer, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, Enrique Calvet Chambon, Marian Harkin, Sophia in 't Veld, Nils Torvalds, Lieve Wierinck, on behalf of the ALDE Group

Since 5 May 2010 Greece has been receiving financial assistance from its European partners. In exchange for the loans, Greece committed itself to conduct structural reforms to create jobs and growth, and to reduce its public debt. Six years on Greece still suffers from high debt levels, its economy is not growing, 25 % of Greek citizens are out of the job market, and businesses and households are strangled by excessive taxation. It seems that the modernisation of the Greek economy is not progressing. While it is of crucial importance to implement agreed reforms, it is equally important to take the right measures and to ensure implementation and enforcement of these measures.

In this connection, will the Commission explain the following:

Does it believe that it has done enough in the past to foster growth and create jobs in Greece? Does it foresee further concrete actions?

Does it deem the implementation of reforms in Greece successful or does it believe that the Greek Government could do more to implement and enforce reforms creating jobs and growth?

Has it used all the means available to it to ensure the actual implementation and enforcement of agreed reforms?

What does ‘full’ implementation of prior actions, according to the Eurogroup statement on Greece of 24 May 2016, mean and what are the necessary concrete steps in the implementation procedure that need to be completed to qualify as fully implemented prior action?