Parliamentary question - P-001419/2024Parliamentary question

Request for extraordinary action to be taken to tackle Europe’s water crisis

Priority question for written answer  P-001419/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Ruggero Razza (ECR)

Data from the European Drought Observatory[1] indicates that more than a quarter of the EU’s territory is currently experiencing drought conditions, with 8 % already in a state of alert, including areas in Italy, Greece, France and Spain. The proportion of Sicily experiencing severe drought conditions has reached 45 %.

An assessment published by the European Environment Agency (EEA)[2] in March 2024 confirms that Europe’s current adaptation policies are not adequate enough to ensure the required supply of water.

In addition to the EUSF, LIFE, CAP, EUCPM and Horizon Europe programmes, the EU’s 2021–2027 budget provides for special instruments to tackle exceptional crises:

In view of the above:

Submitted: 24.7.2024

Last updated: 29 July 2024
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