Funding instruments available for projects in depopulated high-mountain areas
Priority question for written answer P-002319/2024/rev.1
to the Commission
Rule 144
Jonás Fernández (S&D)
Local businesses underpin the European economy and are essential for depopulated areas, where the ecosystem is maintained by agriculture.
In my constituency, Asturias, there are private initiatives that are taking up the challenge proposed by the Commission in its ‘long-term vision for rural areas’. One of these is a project to create an organic cheese factory in a high-mountain area of Somiedo Natural Park, with a planned investment of EUR 1 million.
In light of this:
- 1.Given that it is an organic cheese factory and that the Commission is proposing that 25% of agricultural land should be under organic farming by 2030, could projects of this type be eligible for eco-schemes, and if so, under what conditions?
- 2.Given that the planned investment for creating this type of enterprise exceeds EUR 1 million, could the initiative obtain co-financing from the LEADER programme (despite its per-project limit of EUR 300 000), and if so, under what conditions and could this be complemented by funds from the LIFE programme or from NextGenerationEU?
- 3.Finally, could the Commission explain the non-cumulation rules for the different funding instruments available?
Submitted: 30.10.2024
Last updated: 22 November 2024