Fishing opportunities in the Mediterranean in 2025: a disproportionate proposal that would have devastating socioeconomic consequences in the region
Priority question for written answer P-002788/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Laura Ballarín Cereza (S&D), Javi López (S&D), Nicolás González Casares (S&D)
The Commission’s proposal to reduce fishing days for the Mediterranean for 2025, including a reduction of the trawling fleet by 79 %, raises serious concerns about its socio-economic impact and scientific foundation. The outdated data underpinning this proposal fails to account for the sector’s significant efforts, including a 40 % reduction in fishing efforts and improved selectivity measures in recent years. Moreover, no socio-economic impact assessment has been carried out to evaluate the potential repercussions for coastal communities, contrary to the principles of the common fisheries policy and to the compromise made in the mission letter with regard to social sustainability and the viability of the fishing sector.
In this context:
- 1.How does the Commission justify the lack of updated scientific assessment reflecting the current state of Mediterranean fish stocks?
- 2.Will the Commission withdraw the proposal until a thorough socio-economic impact analysis is conducted, ensuring a balanced approach that safeguards the economic and social viability of the Mediterranean fishing sector?
- 3.Does the Commission plan to work with the sector to develop alternative measures based on co-management and increased selectivity to achieve biological sustainability without jeopardising the livelihood of Mediterranean fishing communities?
Submitted: 5.12.2024