Italian hunting seasons
Question for written answer P-010672-15
to the Commission
Rule 130
Renata Briano (S&D) , Brando Benifei (S&D) , Nicola Danti (S&D) , Paolo De Castro (S&D) , Elena Gentile (S&D) , Luigi Morgano (S&D) , Alessia Maria Mosca (S&D) , David-Maria Sassoli (S&D) , Damiano Zoffoli (S&D) , Herbert Dorfmann (PPE) , Massimiliano Salini (PPE)
Further to the Commission's answer of 7 May 2015 to Written Question P-5529/2015, on the legitimacy of hunting calendars in Italy in the light of paragraph 2.7.10 of Guide to Sustainable Hunting in the EU, the Liguria regional authorities have for the last few years ruled that the song thrush hunting season closes on 31 January. This is based on two studies: The first is a regionally-based analysis of the recovery of song thrushes ringed abroad (Vogelwarte Andreotti et al 1999 page 39) and the second a survey conducted by the University of Genoa, based on official hunting statistics over a seven-year period examining variations during the month of January.
Both studies have noted that there are no migratory movements in January, the first observing that the increase in the recovery rate occurs from the first ten days of February and the second indicating that no significant variations occur throughout the month of January.
Similarly, the Lazio authorities have used three sets of scientific documentation showing that song thrush migration in this region commences in February.
In view of this:
Does the Commission consider that the two Italian regions have complied with paragraph 2.7.10 and hence with Directive 147/2009/EC?