Introduction of digital visas
Question for written answer P-002717-18
to the Commission
Rule 130
Gérard Deprez (ALDE)
The introduction of a digital visa system, whereby visas for the Schengen area could be issued simply by means of registration in the Visa Information System (VIS) with email notification to the applicant, would reduce the human-resources requirement for visa processing, remove the burden of visa-sticker administration (including the printing and issuing of stickers) from consulates and cut expenditure on the purchase, transportation and secure storage of visa stickers as well as the purchase and maintenance of the requisite equipment.
A digital visa system would not mean additional work for border guards, because they are already required to check the validity of visas in the VIS system as a matter of course.
Moreover, various technical aspects of the future Entry/Exit System (EES) and European Travel Information Authorisation System (ETIAS) — in connection with electronic notification, biometric checking systems, the website for travellers and passerelle arrangements for carriers — would also be compatible with a digital visa system.
Has the Commission carried out a detailed assessment with a view to the implementation of a digital visa system?
Why did it decide not to include digital visas in its latest proposal for a recast of the Visa Code?