Parliamentary question - P-000911/2024Parliamentary question

Environmental concerns regarding Romania’s forestry law reform

Priority question for written answer  P-000911/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Nicolae Ştefănuță (Verts/ALE)

On 21 March 2024, the Romanian Government adopted a reform of the country’s forestry law. However, according to environmental experts, the new law has multiple shortcomings[1][2], including measures that will authorise an uncontrolled expansion of logging. This will undermine sustainable timber harvesting principles, potentially resulting in extensive, low-cost logging activities without due consideration for their cumulative impact on forest ecosystems. This poses substantial risks to forest preservation and the development of a sustainable bioeconomy.

The legislation lacks a coherent framework to promote the use of high-value timber and implement timber cascading principles. It does not establish criteria to incentivise economically valuable timber utilisation chains and the high-value processing of wood into durable products.

There are substantial shortcomings in the integration of biodiversity conservation into forest management practices. Definitions of conservation concepts are inadequate, and conservation methods remain incomplete and inconsistent.


Last updated: 8 April 2024
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