2. Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument to finance immediate budgetary measures to address the on-going challenges of migration, refugee inflows and security threats
Report: Daniele Viotti (A8-0455/2018) (majority of Parliament’s component Members + 3/5 of votes cast)
RCV etc.
RCV/EV – remarks
single vote
532, 89, 47
3. Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide for the payment of advances in the EU general budget for 2019
Report: Lefteris Christoforou (A8-0453/2018) (majority of Parliament’s component Members + 3/5 of votes cast)
RCV etc.
RCV/EV – remarks
single vote
639, 29, 5
4. New general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2019 - all sections
Am No
RCV etc.
RCV/EV – remarks
Heading 1.1
Block 1
Heading 1.2
Block 2
Heading 2
Block 3
Heading 3
Block 4
Heading 4
Block 5
Heading 5
Block 6
62, 547, 65
5. New general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2019
Report: Daniele Viotti and Paul Rübig (A8-0454/2018)
Am No
RCV etc.
RCV/EV – remarks
§ 1
262, 397, 11
After § 1
After § 2
146, 518, 10
112, 494, 63
§ 3
original text
After § 5
267, 372, 31
305, 343, 18
265, 401, 6
§ 8
original text
After § 8
106, 537, 29
§ 10
16D= 20D=
137, 526, 7
Vote: resolution (text as a whole)
451, 142, 78
Requests for roll-call votes
amendments 17, 18
amendments 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
amendment 20
Requests for separate votes
§ 8
Requests for split votes
§ 3
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘increasing the security of EU citizens, and defence’
Second part
those words
amendment 6
First part
‘Emphasises, with regret, that disasters generally affect those who have less means to protect themselves, whether they be individuals or States; notes that the response to natural or man-made disasters should be as rapid as possible so that damage is minimal and people and property can be saved;’
Second part
‘highlights the need for an additional increase in funds, particularly in the budget lines linked to disaster prevention and preparedness within the Union, taking into account,’
Third part
‘in particular, fires in Greece, Spain and Portugal (resulting in a tragic loss of human life), which have a dramatic and substantial impact on people;’
6. EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement ***
Recommendation: Pedro Silva Pereira (A8-0366/2018)
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘Limited to the duration of this Programme, in Member States eligible for widening actions, the hourly costs of personnel shall be eligible to a level representing 1.25 times the national level for hourly remuneration applied for RDI projects funded under national schemes.’
Second part
those words
amendment 67
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘Climate mainstreaming shall be adequately integrated in research and innovation content and applied at all stages of the research cycle.’
Second part
those words
amendment 63 [Article 3, § 2, point c]
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘especially within the Union’
Second part
those words
amendment 102
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and EU added value’
Second part
those words
amendment 119
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘Border protection management’
Second part
those words
amendment 167
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘especially within the Union’ (first occurrence)
Second part
those words
amendment 6
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘As far as research data is concerned, the principle should be “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”, thereby recognising the need for different access regimes because of the Union’s socio-economic interest, intellectual property rights, personal data protection and confidentiality, security concerns and other legitimate interests.’
Second part
those words
amendment 41
First part
‘In light of the specificities of the defence industry sector, the detailed provisions for Union funding to defence research projects should be fixed in the Regulation … establishing the European Defence Fund16 which defines the rules of participation for defence research. Although synergies between Horizon Europe and the European Defence Fund could be encouraged while avoiding duplication,’
Second part
‘actions under Horizon Europe should have an exclusive focus on civilian applications.’
amendment 56
First part
‘Rules governing the exploitation and dissemination of results should be laid down to ensure that beneficiaries protect, exploit, disseminate and provide access to those results as appropriate, taking into consideration the legitimate interests of the beneficiaries and any other constraints, such as data protection rules, privacy and security rules as well as intellectual property rights, confidentiality, or the Union's global economic competitiveness.’
Second part
‘More emphasis should be given to exploiting the results, especially in the Union. Beneficiaries should update their plans regarding the exploitation and dissemination of their results during the action.’
amendment 65
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and avoid duplications between the two programmes’
Second part
those words
amendment 94
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and other legitimate interests such as data protection rules, privacy, intellectual property rights and security rules, coupled with the global economic competitiveness of the Union’
Second part
those words
amendment 95
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘ensuring opt-outs following the principle ‘as open as possible, as closed as necessary’’ and ‘confidentiality, security rules, trade secrets, legitimate commercial interests or intellectual property rights or Union’s external competitiveness’
Second part
‘ensuring opt-outs following the principle ‘as open as possible, as closed as necessary’’
Third part
‘confidentiality, security rules, trade secrets, legitimate commercial interests or intellectual property rights or Union’s external competitiveness’
amendment 197
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘the attainment of a net-zero emission economy and society as soon as possible’
Second part
those words
amendment 200
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘the attainment of a net-zero emission economy and society as soon as possible’
Second part
those words
Amendment 182 had been cancelled.
12. Specific programme implementing Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2021-2027 ***I
‘ensuring that Horizon Europe is contributing to a net-zero emission economy and society as soon as possible’
Second part
those words
amendment 51
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: —2a.2.2. (‘Border Protection Management To advance safety and security within the EU requires research and innovation to strengthen the abilities of border protection and management. This includes area reconnaissance and surveillance (air, ground, sea), stable cooperation and data-exchange with foreign authorities, including interoperability capabilities with local, regional, national and international command-, control- and communication-centres as well as implementing solutions for border-protection, incident responding, risk-detection and crime-prevention. Further, to include is research on predictive policing and algorithm-based early warning applications, automated surveillance technologies using various kinds of sensors, while taking into account fundamental rights. While evaluating their impact and potential to enhance security efforts and solution, technologies and equipment should contribute to the integrity of those approaching external borders by especially land and sea. Research should support the improvement of the integrated European border management, including through increased cooperation with candidate, potential candidate and EU Neighbourhood Policy countries. It will further assist EU efforts managing migration. Broad Lines —Identifying forged and otherwise manipulated documents; —Detecting illegal transportation/ trafficking of persons and goods; —Furthering response capabilities to border incidents; —Modernisation of border aerial reconnaissance and surveillance equipment; —Improving direct cooperation of security authorities of both sides in the respective border area for cross-border measures to ensure continuous persecution of offenders and suspects.)’ —2a.2.3. Broad lines, indent 2 (‘- Expanding detection, prevention, defence and countering technologies;’) —2a 2.6, sub§ 1 (‘Research, new technologies, capabilities and solutions are required to support the Union's external security policies in civilian tasks, ranging from civil protection to humanitarian relief, border management or peace-keeping and post-crisis stabilisation, including conflict prevention, peace-building and mediation.’) —2a 2.6, Broad lines, indent 2 (‘-Promoting interoperability between civilian and military capabilities in civilian tasks ranging from civil protection to humanitarian relief, border management or peace-keeping.’) —2a 2.6, Broad lines, indent 3 (‘-Technological development in the area of dual-use technologies to enhance interoperability between civil protection and military forces and amongst civil protection forces worldwide, as well as reliability, organisational, legal and ethical aspects, trade issues, protection of confidentiality and integrity of information and traceability of all transactions and processing.’) —2a 2.7, sub§ 2 (‘An adequate budget should be allocated to agencies to further promote their ability to participate in as well as from EU research and innovation and in order to manage relevant projects, to exchange demands, results and ambitions as well as to cooperate and coordinate efforts with other agencies and certain non-EU authorities like Counter-Terrorism Group and Interpol. As for security related research and innovation these are especially European Policy College, European Aviation Safety Agency, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, European Maritime Safety Agency, European Network and Information Security Agency, European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT Systems in the area of freedom, security and justice, European Union Intellectual Property Office, European Police Office, European Border and Coast Guard Agency and European Union Satellite Centre.’) and —2a 2.7, sub§ 3 (‘To enhance synergies with EU-funded defence research, exchange and consultation mechanisms should be put in place with defence research associated authorities for civilian purposes.’).
Second part
2a 2.2 (“Border Protection Management To advance safety and security within the EU requires research and innovation to strengthen the abilities of border protection and management. This includes area reconnaissance and surveillance (air, ground, sea), stable cooperation and data-exchange with foreign authorities, including interoperability capabilities with local, regional, national and international command-, control- and communication-centres as well as implementing solutions for border-protection, incident responding, risk-detection and crime-prevention. Further, to include is research on predictive policing and algorithm-based early warning applications, automated surveillance technologies using various kinds of sensors, while taking into account fundamental rights. While evaluating their impact and potential to enhance security efforts and solution, technologies and equipment should contribute to the integrity of those approaching external borders by especially land and sea. Research should support the improvement of the integrated European border management, including through increased cooperation with candidate, potential candidate and EU Neighbourhood Policy countries. It will further assist EU efforts managing migration. Broad Lines —Identifying forged and otherwise manipulated documents; —Detecting illegal transportation/ trafficking of persons and goods; —Furthering response capabilities to border incidents; —Modernisation of border aerial reconnaissance and surveillance equipment; —Improving direct cooperation of security authorities of both sides in the respective border area for cross-border measures to ensure continuous persecution of offenders and suspects.)’ —2a.2.3. Broad lines, indent 2 (‘- Expanding detection, prevention, defence and countering technologies;’)
2a.2.6., sub§ 1 (‘Research, new technologies, capabilities and solutions are required to support the Union's external security policies in civilian tasks, ranging from civil protection to humanitarian relief, border management or peace-keeping and post-crisis stabilisation, including conflict prevention, peace-building and mediation.’)” without the words “border management”
Fifth part
“border management”
Sixth part
2a 2.6, Broad lines, indent 2 (‘-Promoting interoperability between civilian and military capabilities in civilian tasks ranging from civil protection to humanitarian relief, border management or peace-keeping.’) without the words ‘border management’
Seventh part
‘border management’
8th part
2a 2.6, Broad lines, indent 3 (‘-Technological development in the area of dual-use technologies to enhance interoperability between civil protection and military forces and amongst civil protection forces worldwide, as well as reliability, organisational, legal and ethical aspects, trade issues, protection of confidentiality and integrity of information and traceability of all transactions and processing.’)
9th part
2a 2.7, sub§ 2 (‘An adequate budget should be allocated to agencies to further promote their ability to participate in as well as from EU research and innovation and in order to manage relevant projects, to exchange demands, results and ambitions as well as to cooperate and coordinate efforts with other agencies and certain non-EU authorities like Counter-Terrorism Group and Interpol. As for security related research and innovation these are especially European Policy College, European Aviation Safety Agency, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, European Maritime Safety Agency, European Network and Information Security Agency, European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT Systems in the area of freedom, security and justice, European Union Intellectual Property Office, European Police Office, European Border and Coast Guard Agency and European Union Satellite Centre.’) without the words ‘and certain non-EU authorities like Counter-Terrorism Group and Interpol.’
10th part
‘and certain non-EU authorities like Counter-Terrorism Group and Interpol.’
11th part
2a 2.7, sub§ 3 (‘To enhance synergies with EU-funded defence research, exchange and consultation mechanisms should be put in place with defence research associated authorities for civilian purposes.’)
Nicola Danti moved an oral amendment to Amendment 5, which then read as follows:
‘Points out that the single market is increasingly coming under pressure from national rules that run counter to the principles underpinning it, especially rules at national level that impact the free movement of goods and services; Recognises that unjustified and disproportionate national measures, as well as, uncoordinated measures, could put at risk the unity and the effectiveness of the Single Market; recalls, however, that certain measures may be legitimate and necessary to protect public interest objectives as recognised in the treaties;’
14. Findings and recommendations of the Special Committee on Terrorism
Report: Monika Hohlmeier and Helga Stevens (A8-0374/2018)
‘Urges the Member States to find ways to stop foreign funding to religious communities that are known for hate speech or terrorist ties;’
Second part
‘considers that Member States may ban preaching in languages other than their official languages;’
§ 211
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘certified childcare and home support, tax relief schemes’
Second part
those words
Recital BH
First part
‘whereas the use of encryption will on the one hand make a significant contribution to security in the field of IT, but on the other hand will also be used by terrorists to protect their communications or stored data, which represents a considerable challenge for law enforcement, security and intelligence services, since they can be denied access to essential intelligence and evidence;’
Second part
‘whereas encryption becomes particularly critical when even the responsible online service providers are unwilling or unable to decrypt the communication’
Recital CX
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘whereas, however, EBCGA is experiencing difficulties in monitoring terrorism due to the short personal data retention period established by Regulation (EC) 2016/1624 that comprises only 90 days’
Second part
those words
Recital DB
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: “whereas this is of capital importance for flights within the EU”
Second part
those words
§ 41
First part
‘Calls on the Member States to take action against satellite TV channels disseminating violence, hate speech and incitement to terrorism, in accordance with the Audiovisual Media Services Directive; calls on the Member States to fully and swiftly implement the Directive to ensure that Article 6 on prevention of incitement to violence and hatred is in force across the EU;’
Second part
‘requests the Commission to prepare an analysis of possible legislative changes in the Directive in order to improve the effectiveness of blocking such channels broadcasting from third countries;’
§ 82
First part
‘Welcomes the proposed regulations on interoperability; calls on the Commission to evaluate the potential and possible added value of additional information systems to be included in the future and to report to the European Parliament;’
Second part
‘believes that interoperability helps bring the relevant and necessary information together; emphasises that such a solution needs to find the right balance between legitimate needs for timely, efficient and relevant information for authorities in full accordance with their access rights and purpose limitation under the underlying legal bases and the fundamental rights of the data subjects;’
§ 83
First part
‘Stresses the need to introduce a biometric matching service enabling querying with biometric data across several EU information systems so as to contribute to the fight against identity fraud and to prevent people from using multiple identities; stresses the need to feed the relevant databases with biometric data;’
Second part
‘also stresses the need to continuously improve the ability to recognise improperly used real, partly falsified or entirely falsified documents used for personal identification;’
§ 113
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘calls on the Member States to ensure cooperation among all relevant stakeholders with a view to increasing the decryption abilities of the competent authorities and that the decryption abilities of the competent authorities are up to standard with a view to legal prosecution; welcomes the fact that Europol is developing decryption tools and expertise in order to become a hub for decrypting information lawfully obtained in criminal investigations and to better support Member States;’
Second part
those words
§ 125
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘calls on the Commission to examine the possibility of a legislative proposal that obliges communication platforms present on the EU market to cooperate when it comes to encrypted communications if there is a judicial decision to that effect;’
Second part
those words
§ 135
First part
‘Calls on the co-legislators to consider providing the EBCGA with a specific mandate for processing operational personal data suited to its operational role, including in the prevention and detection of cross-border crime and terrorism at the EU’s external borders;’ without the words ‘processing operational personal data suited to its operational role, including in’
Second part
those words
Third part
‘believes that such a mandate should allow for sufficient data retention periods and for the exchange of personal data with CSDP missions, Europol and Eurojust and, in specific circumstances and with the necessary safeguards, with third countries;’ without the words ‘sufficient data retention periods and for the exchange of personal data with CSDP missions, Europol and Eurojust and, in specific circumstances and with’
Fourth part
those words
§ 137
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘Eurodac and the Europol information system’
Second part
those words
§ 139
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘automated’ and ‘and irregular entry/exit movements’
Second part
those words
Recital R
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘ethno-nationalist"
Second part
this word
Recital X
First part
‘whereas the return of foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) and their families poses particular challenges in terms of security and radicalisation, especially child returnees who pose specific problems’
Second part
‘as they need protection as victims but at the same time can also be potential perpetrators;’
Recital AG
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘exploited by both left- and right-wing agitators’
Second part
those words
Recital AP
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and the demographics at risk’
Second part
those words
Recital AV
First part
‘whereas it is the aspiration of Radical Islamic Fundamentalism for religion to dominate all spheres of life – individual, political and social’
Second part
‘the consequence of which may be a form of communitarianism sensitive to the actions of jihadist recruiters;’
Recital BF
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘whereas monitoring of such high-risk offenders is extremely resource-intensive for Member States’ security services;’
Second part
those words
Recital BP
First part
‘whereas despite repeated calls to implement an EU system for recording passenger details (PNR), each Member State has not demonstrated commitment to this and the majority of Member States have not complied with the deadline for implementing this law;’
Second part
‘whereas Member States that miss this deadline should without any further delay undertake all necessary action to implement this directive in full with immediate effect;’
Recital BR
First part
‘whereas – in the context of the Information Management Strategy (IMS) 6th Action List – there are currently two on-going pilot projects which aim to ensure interlinking with decentralised systems, namely ADEP (Automation of data exchange processes on police records) and QUEST (Querying Europol Systems); whereas six Member States are already involved in the ADEP pilot project for the automated transmission of police records between different countries and this project is working well;’
Second part
‘whereas such projects help provide real and workable solutions to the problems stemming from the lack of interconnectivity of decentralised information systems and help foster trust and cooperation between the Member States;’
Recital BT
First part
‘whereas criminals can still today be recorded in different databases that are not connected under different aliases;’
Second part
‘whereas the current EU data management architecture therefore needs to be improved by interoperability to eliminate blind spots and multiple false identities and provide the right information at the right time;’
Recital BW
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and interoperability components’ and ‘automatically’
Second part
those words
Recital CJ
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and Frontex’
Second part
those words
Recital DC
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘in order to reach border guards’
Second part
those words
Recital DI
First part
‘whereas abuse and misuse of social media fundraising, funding through charity and non-profit organisations, small wire transfers and pre-paid cards are among the funding methods for Daesh and other terrorist organisations;’
Second part
‘whereas micro lending platforms are used to facilitate all of these typologies;’
Recital EP
First part
‘whereas it is vital for the European Union to maintain strong cooperation with third country partners in counter-terrorism; whereas the dialogue concerning the measures and actions undertaken to combat terrorism and terrorist funding and to prevent radicalisation must be maintained,’
Second part
‘particularly with the Gulf countries; whereas interparliamentary cooperation with these key third countries is one of the tools that should be strengthened;’
§ 13
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘security and’ (second line)
Second part
those words
§ 14
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘alarming’ (3rd last line)
Second part
this word
§ 16
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: cooperate with the private sector in order to’
Second part
those words
§ 32
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘Resilience’” (first line) and “and with the aim of building societies that are resilient against radicalisation’
Second part
Third part
‘and with the aim of building societies that are resilient against radicalisation’
§ 37
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘extremist and’
Second part
those words
§ 39
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and religious teaching’
Second part
this word
§ 40
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘including all content produced or spread by groups and individuals sanctioned by the EU or UN’
Second part
those words
§ 55
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and/or national and external authorities in charge of counter-terrorism, with effective post-release parole requirements for those likely to threaten public security’
Second part
those words
§ 60
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and monitor’ and ‘also in cooperation with third countries’
Second part
‘and monitor’
Third part
‘also in cooperation with third countries’
§ 69
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘automatically’
Second part
this word
§ 77
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and third-country nationals’
Second part
those words
§ 78
First part
‘Calls for private aircraft to be covered by the EU PNR Directive and for air carriers to be obliged to collect PNR data;’
Second part
‘calls on the Commission to evaluate security procedures enacted at aerodromes and smaller airports throughout the Member States;’
§ 81
First part
‘Notes that the deadline for implementing the Prüm decisions of 23 June 2008 expired on 26 August 2011’
Second part
‘and that even now not all Member States have fully implemented the decisions; calls on those Member States therefore to finally fulfil their obligations under EU law and fully implement the Prüm decisions and strengthen the Prüm network by updating their national processing systems to adapt to modern information technology; urges the Commission and the Council to modernise and upgrade the Prüm decisions of 2008 to link national systems more efficiently;’
§ 97
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘maintain a national security culture that is equipped to’
Second part
those words
§ 104
First part
‘Calls on Europol to ensure the timely availability of QUEST to Member States,’
Second part
‘with the purpose of enhancing interoperability;’
§ 109
First part
‘Calls on the Member States to make full use of technical solutions to improve sharing of information with Europol,’
Second part
‘in particular by automating the process of uploading data to the Europol information system for cross-checking purposes, for example by using the ‘data loaders’ developed by Europol;’
§ 110
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘in an automatic way’
Second part
those words
§ 116
First part
‘Believes that operational agreements with third countries can be helpful for Europol’s work,’
Second part
‘and notes the fact that the Commission is currently negotiating operational agreements with eight countries from the MENA region; requests the renegotiation of operational agreements with particular close partners, such as the EFTA countries;’
§ 123
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘Erasmus’
Second part
this word
§ 127
First part
‘Urges the Member States to invest in up-to-standard ICT equipment at all border crossings to allow for proper checks using all relevant databases;’
Second part
‘asks the Commission to set a benchmark for the technical standards of such ICT equipment, after consulting eu-LISA;’
Third part
‘considers that the work on the proposals for interoperability of information systems should be taken as an opportunity to improve and partially harmonise national IT systems and national infrastructure at border crossing points; welcomes the Commission’s proposal to reinforce support to Member States in securing the EU’s common external borders by at least tripling the budget for the Integrated Border Management Fund in the next MFF 2021-2027;’
§ 140
First part
‘Invites the EBCGA to develop training programmes and deliver training courses for border guards focusing on reinforcing checks against the relevant databases at external borders’
Second part
‘and supporting the implementation of common risk indicators;’
Recital Z
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘often second- or third-generation migrants, who have grown up in the Member States which they have attacked,’
Second part
those words
Recital CV
First part
‘whereas the thwarted attack on the Thalys train of 21 August 2015, the Paris attacks of 13 November 2015 and the Brussels attacks of 22 March 2016 have demonstrated that in a limited number of cases, terrorists abused shortcomings in the border management policies of the EU and of several Member States,’ without the words ‘border management’
Second part
‘border management’
Third part
‘which were not ready for a mass influx;’
Fourth part
‘whereas it has been reported by law enforcement authorities that at least eight of these attacks’ perpetrators entered the EU via irregular flows in July, August and October 2015; whereas in other cases, future perpetrators had remained in Member States in spite of being due to depart or be returned; whereas this demonstrates certain flaws in the EU’s border management policies and their implementation at Member State level;’
Recital CS
First part
‘whereas the Schengen area without internal borders is a fundamental achievement of the EU,’
Second part
‘which is only sustainable if the external borders are effectively secured and protected, illegal border crossings cease and internal security measures are adopted to face the risk of serious crimes;’ without the words ‘illegal border crossings cease and’
Third part
‘illegal border crossings cease and’
Fourth part
‘whereas many proposals have been adopted in order to strengthen security checks at the external borders; whereas some Member States have asked for more flexibility regarding the temporary reintroduction of checks at internal borders in the event of a serious threat to public order or public security,’
Fifth part
‘as proposed by the Commission;’
Recital DY
First part
‘whereas several terrorist attacks in the EU were perpetrated by individuals known to the authorities;’
Second part
‘whereas vehicle rental companies lack the ability to exchange information, such as booking or reservation data, with law enforcement agencies for the purpose of cross-checks against official watch lists and police databases;’
Recital FE
First part
‘whereas counter-terrorism measures and the protection of freedoms are not conflicting goals, but complementary and mutually reinforcing; whereas fundamental rights must be secured and protected for each and every individual’
Second part
‘and all measures in the fight against terrorism should affect the innocent and uninvolved general population as little as possible;’ without the words ‘innocent and uninvolved general’
Third part
‘innocent and uninvolved general’
§ 47
First part
‘Underlines the need to achieve automatic detection and systematic, fast, permanent and full removal of terrorist content online on the basis of clear legal provisions including safeguards, and human review;’ without the words ‘automatic’ and ‘detection and systematic, fast,’
Second part
Third part
‘detection and systematic, fast,’
Fourth part
‘further points out the need to prevent the re-upload of already removed content; welcomes the Commission’s legislative proposal on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online by obliging platforms to remove it fully; calls on the co-legislators to urgently work on the proposal; invites the Member States to put in place national measures if the adoption of legislation is delayed;’ without the words ‘by obliging platforms to remove it fully’
Fifth part
‘by obliging platforms to remove it fully’
§ 87
First part
‘Calls on the Member States that have not yet done so to create national counter-terrorism ‘fusion centres’, or coordination units, as well as coordinated databases, in order to centralise and facilitate the search, identification and exchange of terrorism-related information and intelligence from all relevant national authorities; considers furthermore that a proactive local and, where appropriate, regional policy is a prerequisite for an integral national security policy; calls on the Member States to share best practices in this respect,’
Second part
‘such as the Belgian ‘Lokale integrale veiligheidscellen’,’
Third part
‘and with shared professional secrecy so that stakeholders with a professional duty of secrecy could also contribute;’
Recital FG
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘within the context of its Multiannual Framework’
Second part
those words
§ 225
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘within the context of its Multiannual Framework, on counter-terrorism measures’
Second part
those words
ALDE, Verts/ALE:
§ 134
First part
‘Calls on the Commission to prepare an evaluation of options and related impacts of a possible legislative proposal making it compulsory for air carriers and port, international bus or high-speed train operators to conduct conformity checks when passengers board, in order to make sure that the identity stated on the ticket matches the ID card or passport in the passenger’s possession;’ without the words ‘and port, international bus or high-speed train operators’
Second part
‘and port, international bus or high-speed train operators;’
Third part
‘stresses the need to ensure that transport operators are not granted any tasks that only pertain to police authorities, such as proper identity checks or verification of the authenticity of ID or travel documents;’
Verts/ALE, S&D, GUE/NGL:
§ 34
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and in this context in particular also to encourage and tolerate only religious practices that are in full accordance with democracy, the rule of law, human rights and the laws in place in Member States’
Second part
those words
§ 36
First part
‘Calls on the Member States to increase the offer of higher education opportunities for chaplains in the EU, with transparent scrutiny and only accrediting theological curricula that fully respect democracy, rule of law, human rights’ without ‘theological’
Second part
Third part
‘and the neutrality and democratic laicism of European countries, and revoking teaching licences in cases of misdemeanour;’
The PPE Group had withdrawn its amendment 28.
15. Annual report on the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and military’
Second part
those words
§ 18
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘ever’ and without ‘association agreements’
Second part
those words
§ 23
First part
‘In the aftermath of the recent presidential and parliamentary elections in the region, reaffirms its commitment to continue forging strong relations with Latin American countries (LAC), promoting the defence of democracy, the rule of law and human rights as the cornerstone for deeper integration and cooperation; expresses its grave concern over the lack of respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela;’
Second part
‘notes with concern the electoral developments in Brazil and expresses hope that the new government will stay true to the path of democracy and the rule of law;’
Third part
‘commends the efforts of all the parties concerned in the Peace Process in Colombia; reiterates its full support for this Peace Process and its effective implementation;’
§ 24
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘the pooling of military capabilities’ and without ‘and the willingness of Member States to cede decision-making in this context’
Second part
‘the pooling of military capabilities’
Third part
‘and the willingness of Member States to cede decision-making in this context’
§ 11
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘by Russia’ and ‘its’
Second part
those words
amendment 36
First part
‘Condemns grave violations of international humanitarian and human rights law by all sides in Yemen,’
Second part
‘including the indiscriminate attacks on civilians by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition and Houthi rebels;’
Third part
‘demands an immediate lifting of the blockade of Yemen and calls on all sides to the conflict to resume dialogue under the auspices of the UN and to work towards a sustainable ceasefire; welcomes the decision of the governments of Germany, Denmark and Finland to halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia; calls for EU-wide sanctions against those responsible for the murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi;’
16. Annual report on the implementation of the Common Security and Defence Policy
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘Welcomes the EU’s signature of the Istanbul Convention and’, ‘calls on the Member States that have not yet done so to ratify and implement this Convention as soon as possible;’, ‘calls, therefore, for the EU to help countries to improve data collection in this area and meet international legal obligations’, ‘asks the EU to work with other countries to step up funding and programming to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence worldwide;’, ‘and the violation of women’s sexual and reproductive rights’ without the words ‘sexual and reproductive’, ‘and reproductive and’, ‘and universal respect for and access to sexual rights’, ‘and sexual and reproductive rights;’ and ‘condemns the reimposition of the ‘global gag’ rule;’
Second part
‘Welcomes the EU’s signature of the Istanbul Convention and’
Third part
‘calls on the Member States that have not yet done so to ratify and implement this Convention as soon as possible;’
Fourth part
‘calls, therefore, for the EU to help countries to improve data collection in this area and meet international legal obligations’
Fifth part
‘asks the EU to work with other countries to step up funding and programming to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence worldwide;’
Sixth part
‘and the violation of women’s sexual and reproductive rights’ without the words ‘sexual and reproductive’
Seventh part
‘sexual and reproductive’
8th part
‘universal respect for and access to sexual rights’
9th part
‘and reproductive rights and’
10th part
‘and sexual and reproductive rights;’
11th part
‘condemns the reimposition of the ‘global gag’ rule;’
§ 47
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘is concerned about the possible instrumentalisation of EU foreign policy as ‘migration management’’, ‘regrets any attempt to encumber, tarnish or even criminalise humanitarian assistance, and insists on the need for greater search and rescue capacities for people in distress at sea and on land in order to fulfil the primary obligations of international law;’, ‘welcomes the UN initiative on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the UNHCR Global Compact on Refugees and the pivotal role assigned to human rights in these compacts;’
Second part
‘is concerned about the possible instrumentalisation of EU foreign policy as ‘migration management’
Third part
‘regrets any attempt to encumber, tarnish or even criminalise humanitarian assistance, and insists on the need for greater search and rescue capacities for people in distress at sea and on land in order to fulfil the primary obligations of international law;’
Fourth part
‘welcomes the UN initiative on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, the UNHCR Global Compact on Refugees and the pivotal role assigned to human rights in these compacts;’
amendments 32/49, 66, 9, 1PC [Article 4, § 2, point b], 34/92 [Article 9, § 3, after point a ‘actions relating to projects of common interest as set out at Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 347/2013, and falling under the energy infrastructure category set out in Annex II.1 thereto; with a maximum budget of 15% of the budget attributed under Article 4(2)(b) of this Regulation and limited to the first work programme, as well as for actions using exclusively sustainable renewable hydrogen or biomethane;’], 34CP/52CP/72=91CP/92CP [Article 9, § 3, after point a ‘actions related to energy infrastructure projects contributing to improving energy efficiency where these projects have an influence on cross border energy flow, inter alia through demand response and smart grids;’] 34CP [energy efficiency], 37/53/78, 10
article 14, § 2, point ca (am 1CP) - article 14, § 4 (am 1CP), after recital 25 (am 1CP)
Annex, part II, § 1 (am 1CP, = ‘The budgetary resources referred to in Article 4 paragraph 2 (a) (i) and (ii) shall be distributed in a way that ensures a balance between actions listed in Article 9 paragraph 2 (a) and (b)’]), recital 36 (am 1CP), recital 36 (Commission proposal)
Requests for split votes
amendment 1CP - recital 20
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and gas infrastructure’
Second part
those words
amendment 9
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘between 15% and’
Second part
those words
amendment 1CP - article 14, § 2, point a
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘and for actions supporting improvements to territorial accessibility and to connectivity’ and without the words ‘For works in outermost regions the co-financing rates shall be set to a maximum of 85%’
Second part
‘and for actions supporting improvements to territorial accessibility and to connectivity’
Third part
‘For works in outermost regions the co-financing rates shall be set to a maximum of 85%’
amendment 1CP - article 9, § 2, point a, point i
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘airports’
Second part
those words
amendment 1CP - Annex, part I "Indicators", row 1
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘airports’
Second part
those words
amendment 27
First part
‘Transparency and citizens' participation shall be guaranteed for large projects,’
Second part
‘from their planning until realisation.’
amendment 28
First part
‘actions to integrate the EuroVelo network’
Second part
‘into the European rail network;’
amendment 98
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘the improvement of infrastructure’
Second part
those words
Verts/ALE, S&D
amendment 1CP - article 9, § 2, point a (iii)
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘airports’
Second part
those words
Tonino Picula, Ruža Tomašić and Cristian-Silviu Buşoi had also signed amendment 107.
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘calls on the EU and its Member States to introduce targeted sanctions if the Ukrainian servicemen are not released and if there is any further military escalation; underlines that there is no justification for such use of military might by Russia; expresses serious concern that this may constitute a creeping attempt to annex Ukraine’s sovereign rights in the Sea of Azov with the aim of transforming it into a Russian ‘internal lake’ and exclusive military zone, and to put a stranglehold on the economy of south-east Ukraine; demands that Russia guarantee freedom of navigation through the Kerch Strait and in the Sea of Azov’