Rule 162 : Topical debate requested by a political group
1. At each part-session, one or two periods of at least 60 minutes each shall be set aside in the draft agenda for debates on a topical matter of major interest for European Union policy.
2. Each political group shall have the right to propose a topical matter of its choice for at least one such debate per year. The Conference of Presidents shall ensure, over a rolling period of one year, a fair distribution among the political groups of the exercise of that right.
3. The political groups shall transmit the topical matter of their choice to the President in writing before the drawing up of the final draft agenda by the Conference of Presidents. Rule 39(1) concerning the rights, freedoms and principles recognised by Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union and the values enshrined in its Article 2 shall be fully respected.
4. The Conference of Presidents shall determine the time at which such a debate is to be held. It may, by a majority representing four-fifths of the Parliament Members, decide to reject a matter put forward by a group.
5. The debate shall be introduced by a representative of the political group having proposed the topical matter. Speaking time following this introduction shall be allocated in accordance with Rule 171(5) and (6).
6. The debate shall be wound up without the adoption of a resolution.