
Eurolat Parliamentary Assembly in Vienna 2018 © European Parliament (2018)

Structure of the Assembly

The Assembly has a parity composition and is made up of an equal number of parliamentarians from the European Parliament, on the one hand, and from the Latin American component, which will emanate from the Latin American integration Parliaments (Parlatino, Parlandino, Parlacen and Parlasur) and from the Congresses of parliamentarians of Mexico and Chile, on the other.

The Assembly will be composed of 150 deputies, of which 75 are deputies of the European Parliament, and the other 75 are members of the Latin American component. The members of EuroLat are designated in accordance with the internal rules of each parliament in order to reflect the diversity of political groups and countries represented in each parliament and congress.

Two co-presidents preside over the Assembly, one European and one Latin American.

The co-presidents, together with the fourteen co-vice presidents (seven for each component), make up the Bureau. This body coordinates the work of the Assembly, supervises its activities and maintains ties with the EU-CELAC summit, the EU-LAC Foundation, the ministerial conferences and groups of senior officials.

Each EuroLat body consists of the same number of members from Latin America and Europe. The participating Parliaments must promote the participation of women in the organs of the Assembly. The Assembly organizes its work in plenary session, permanent parliamentary committees, temporary parliamentary committees, working groups and forums. An Executive Bureau coordinates the work of the Assembly, the monitoring of its activities and resolutions, and the establishment of relations with the EU-CELAC Summit, the ministerial conferences and with the Groups of Senior Officials and Ambassadors.

The official languages ​​of the Assembly are the official languages ​​of the European Union, although the working languages ​​are Spanish, Portuguese, French, English and German.