11th Ordinary Session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, 19-20 March 2024 in Brussels
16.00 - 20.00 Informal meetings of the political families
09.30 - 12.00 Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy (POL)
09.30 - 12.00 Committee on Economic Integration, Legal Approximation and Convergence with EU Policies (ECON)
- Lunch break -
13.30 - 16.00 Committee on Energy Security (ENER)13.30 -16.00 Committee on Social Affairs, Employment, Education, Culture and Civil Society (SOC)
- Break -
16.30 - 18,00 Working Group on Belarus (IN CAMERA)
16.30 - 18.00 Ad hoc Working Group on Association Agreements
18.30 - 20.00 Bureau of the Euronest PA (IN CAMERA)
20.00 - 22.00 Reception hosted by Mr Andrius KUBILIUS, Co-President of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
08.00 - 09.00 Informal meetings of the political families
09.30 - 11.30 Opening session of the 11th Ordinary Session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
Address by Mr Andrius KUBILIUS, Co-President of the Euronest PA
Address by Mr Ivan KRULKO, Co-President of the Euronest PA
Address by Mr Olivér VÁRHELYI, Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement - by video message
Address by Mr Luc DEVIGNE, Deputy Managing Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, European External Action Service
Address by Mr Alen SIMONYAN, Speaker of National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
Address by Ms Sviatlana TSIKHANOUSKAYA, Head of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus
Addresses by the observers of the Euronest PA:
Mr Dimitri DIMITRIADIS, President of the External Relations Section, the European Economic and Social Committee
Mr Markku MARKKULA, FI/EPP, member of the European Committee of the Regions / CORLEAP
Ms Ana Otilia NUŢU, Co-Chair of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
11.30 - FORMAL OPENING by Mr Othmar KARAS, First Vice-President of the European Parliament
Family photo- Lunch break -
First Working Session of the 11th Ordinary Session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
- Time: 13.30-15.30
1. Adoption of draft agenda
2. Approval of minutes of the Tenth Ordinary Session, held on 20 and 21 February in Chisinau, Moldova
3. Key debate on "EU support to Ukraine and prospects for the EU enlargement in the light of the 14-15 December 2023 European Council decision. Impact of the future EU enlargement on the Eastern Partnership (EaP)"
Addresses by:
The Co-Presidents of the Euronest PA
Ms Adrienn KIRALY, Director for Neighbourhood East, European Commission
Mr Lionel RAPAILLE, Director at EIB Global Directorate, European Investment Bank
Mr Luc DEVIGNE, Deputy Managing Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, European External Action Service
Ms Olga CHYZHOVA, Head of Brussels office of the Ukrainian Prism
- Break -Second Working Session of the 11th Ordinary Session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
- Time: 16.00-18.00
4. Presentation by the Co-Rapporteurs of the Standing Committees and adoption of the draft resolutions contained in the Standing Committees' reports
5. Urgencies - Vote on draft resolutions (if any)
6. Briefing by the Co-Chairs of the Working Groups
7. Concluding remarks by the Co-Presidents of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
8. Adoption of the working plans for 2024 and 2025
9. Any other business
Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Joint meetings of the Standing Committees, 13 November 2023 in Brussels
Joint meeting of the Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy (POL) and of the Committee on Energy Security (ENER)Time: 15.00-18.00
Joint meeting of the Committee on Economic Integration, Legal Approximation and Convergence with EU Policies (ECON) and of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment, Education, Culture and Civil Society (SOC)Time: 15.00-18.00
Euronest Co-President Rebecca Harms calls for clear vision and results for citizens following the 5th Eastern Partnership Summit
Co-President Harms issued the following statement:
"The Eastern Partnership Summit was a good opportunity to mark the EU and Eastern Partners' renewed commitment for the way ahead. Stimulated by the association agreements and other new partnership agreements with the European Union, some of our Eastern Partner countries have made remarkable progress on the way of European integration, but we are also facing stumbling blocks and barriers.
"The path forward towards rule of law and democracy is neither a short nor a straightforward one. The EU has gained worthwhile experience in supporting the fight against corruption, the establishment of stable institutions and independent judiciary.
"Based on the principles of differentiation and inclusiveness, the EU and Eastern Partners should make an effort to make the implementation of reforms smoother and sustainable. There are ambitious aspirations and there is a strong demand for a clear political perspective towards European integration, which we have to support.
"The numerous unresolved conflicts in the region should be tackled via additional mediation efforts and initiatives, also with the participation of the EU. This is a request coming from the people and we have, as EU, tremendous responsibilities in terms of security on our continent."
Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Bureau Message addressed to the Eastern Partnership Summit 2021
The Euronest PA Bureau addressed the following message to the Heads of State and Government, in accordance with Article 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the Euronest PA.

Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Bureau Message to the Eastern Partnership Leaders Video-Teleconference on 18 June, 2020
On the occasion of the Video Teleconference of the Leaders of the Eastern Partnership to be held on 18 June 2020,
The Euronest PA Bureau addresses the following message to the Heads of State and Government, in accordance with Article 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly.