Democracy Group
Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group (DEG)
Supporting democracy in the world
Actively supporting the European Union's international efforts to promote democracy and human rights is one of the European Parliament's core responsibilities, set out in the EU's founding treaties.
This work also benefits EU citizens, whose place at home is strengthened by a fairer, more stable world.
The European Parliament's main areas of activity in this domain are the following:
- reinforcing parliamentary democracy in non-EU countries,
- supporting the parliaments in selected priority countries, notably in the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood, Western Balkans and Turkey,
- monitoring and following up elections,
- developing initiatives involving mediation, facilitation and dialogue,
- focusing on human rights,
- developing activities connected to Parliament's Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought and its network.
This European Parliament's democracy support work is guided by the"Comprehensive Democracy Support Approach" (CDSA), which coordinates Parliament's democracy support activities so that they revolve in a coherent manner around the electoral cycles of non-EU countries.
All these activities are overseen by the Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group (DEG), which provides political guidance and supervision. The DEG is headed by the chairs of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Development and includes MEPs from across the political spectrum.
The European Parliament has created a dedicated group of MEPs who oversee the Parliament's efforts to support democracy beyond the EU .
This group, called the Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group (DEG), is headed by the chairs of
- the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET), and
- the Development Committee (DEVE).
The group consists of 16 Members, including the Chair of the Conference of Delegation Chairs, the Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) and the Vice-Presidents responsible for the Sakharov Prize and for Human Rights and Democracy.
Together, they work to ensure that all their colleagues' efforts are coherent and effective.
The DEG's mandate and composition was decided by the European Parliament's Conference of Presidents on 13 September 2012. At the same time, the Conference of Presidents defined the criteria and procedures for election observation delegations.
Decision of the European Parliament's Conference of Presidents, 07 February 2019 (EN) EN(PDF - 406 KB) FR(PDF - 455 KB) DE(PDF - 449 KB)
Composition of the Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group (DEG)
- Mr David McALLISTER (Chair AFET, EPP)
- Mr Barry ANDREWS (Chair DEVE, RENEW)
- Mr Michael GAHLER (EPP)
- Mr Lukas MANDL (EPP, AT)
- Ms Cecilia STRADA (S&D)
- Mr Robert BIEDRON (S&D)
- Mr Thierry MARIANI (PfE)
- Mr György HÖLVÉNYI (PfE)
- Mr Sebastien TYNKKYNEN (ECR)
- Ms Sophie WILMES (Vice-President responsible for the Sakharov Prize Community and for Democracy Support (RENEW)
- Mr Nicolae STEFANUTA (Vice-President responsible for Human Rights and Democracy Support (GREENS/EFA)
Meetings in the 10th legislature of the European Parliament
23 January 2025
agenda to be confirmed
28 November 2024
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Chairperson's announcements
3. Election Observation
- Consultation on the EU Election Observation Missions (EOMs) for 2025
- Decision on EP Election Observation Delegations in the first half of 2025
- Exchange of views on Election observations and EP resolutions
4. Exchange of views on possible priority countries/regions for democracy support activities
5. Any other business
6. Next meeting
24 October 2024
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Chairperson's announcements
3. Setting up the work of the Group in the 10th legislature
4. Study on strengthening capacities of accession country parliaments
5. Any other business
6. Next meeting
Meetings in 2023 and 2024
25 April 2024
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the Minutes of the DEG meeting of 8 February 2024
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. Election observation
Exchange of views with the EEAS on the EU Election Observation Missions (EOMs) for the rest of 2024
Decision on EP Election Observation Delegations in the second half of 2024
The role of the EP in OSCE/ODIHR election observation missions in EU candidate countries
5. Implementation of democracy support activities in priority countries, including activities to be carried out during the election break
EU candidate and potential candidate countries
Western Balkans
Support to Belarusian democratic forces
Armenia - needs assessment mission
6. Implementation of thematic activities, including activities to be carried out during the election break
7. Any other business
8 February 2024
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the Minutes of the DEG meeting of 23 November 2023
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. Revision of democracy support and election observation methodology
5. Implementation of democracy support activities in the priority countries
North Macedonia
6. Implementation of thematic activities
Capacity development activities
EP Young Political Leaders Programme
Human rights activities
7. Any other business
8. Next meeting
23 November 2023
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the Minutes of the DEG meeting of 5 October 2023
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. Revision of democracy support and election observations and DEG Work Programme for 2024
5. Election Observation
Consultation on the EU Election Observation Missions (EOMs) for 2024
Decision on EP Election Observation Delegations in the first half of 2024
6. Conference on Combating violence against women in politics, Brussels, 21 February 2024
7. Implementation of democracy support activities in the priority countries
8. Implementation of thematic activities
EP Young Political Leaders Programme
Human rights activities
9. Any other business
10.Next meeting
5 October 2023
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the Minutes of the DEG meeting of 14 June 2023
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. Review process of democracy support and election observations and preparations of DEG Work Programme for 2024
5. Update on Election Observation Delegations
6. Implementation of democracy support activities in the priority countries
North Macedonia
7. Implementation of thematic activities
Human rights activities
8. Any other business
9. Next meeting
14 June 2023
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Chair's announcements
3. Election observation activities
4. Implementation of democracy support activities
5. Any other business
6. Next meeting
11 May 2023
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the Minutes of the DEG meeting of 16 March 2023
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. Review process of democracy support and election observations
5. Implementation of democracy support activities in the priority countries
6. Implementation of thematic activities
Young Political Leaders Programme
Human rights activities
7. Any other business
8. Next meeting
16 March 2023
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the Minutes of the DEG meeting of 24 November 2022
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. Post 10 years of EP's democracy support - launch of the reform process
5. Engaging with democratic opposition forces
6. Implementation of democracy support activities in the priority countries
7. Any other business
8. Next meeting
Meetings in 2020 - 2022
24 November 2022
Adoption of the draft agenda
Adoption of the Minutes of the DEG meeting of 6 October 2022
Chairperson's announcements
Consultation by VP/HR on the EU Election Observation Missions (EOMs) for 2023
· The DEG is consulted by the VP/HR on an annual basis on the priorities of the EU EOMs.
Decision on EP Election Observation Delegations in the first half 2023
· The DEG is to take a Decision on the EP Election Observation Delegations in the first half of 2023, based on the EU EOM priorities identified by the VP/HR and the scheduled OSCE/ODIHR EOMs.
DEG Annual Work Programme for 2023
· Presentation and debate on the work programme for 2023 with a view to its adoption by the DEG in December (written procedure).
Any other business
Next meeting
6 October 2022
Adoption of the draft agenda
Adoption of the Minutes of the DEG meeting of 9 June 2022
Chairperson's announcements
10 years of EP democracy support
Implementation of democracy support activities in the priority countries
Next meeting
9 June 2022
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Chairperson's announcements
3. Update on activities in the field of election observation
4. Update on the implementation of democracy support activities in the CDSA countries
5. Any other business
6. Next meeting
15 March 2022
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 16 December 2021
3. Chair's announcements
4. Democracy support activities in Ukraine - State of play
5. JMD Moldova / IPD and forthcoming elections in Serbia - State of play
6. Any other business
7. Next meeting
16 December 2021
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 21 June 2021
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. DEG Annual Work Programme 2022
5. Consultation on the EU Election Observation Missions in 2022 by HR/VP Borrell
6. Decision on EP Election Observation Delegations in the first half 2022
7. Any other business
8. Next meeting
21 June 2021
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 18 March 2021
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. Consultation on the EU Election Observation Missions in 2021 by HR/VP Borrell and decision on EP Election Observation Delegations in the second half of 2021
5. Fake Election Observation: exchange of views with Stefanie Schiffer, Chair of the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE), and Dr. Lee Morgenbesser, Senior Lecturer at Griffith University and Researcher on fake election observation
- Exchange of views on recent and forthcoming Democracy Support activities with Georgia, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine and North Macedonia with possible decisions
7. Any other business
8. Next meeting
12 March 2020
08:45 - 10:00
Room: Spinelli 5G3
The draft agenda included the following points:
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 18 February 2020
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. Update of EP election observation delegations in the first half of 2020
5. Sakharov Prize
6. Democracy support activities in the Western Balkans
7. Any other business
8. Next meeting
18 February 2020
17.15 - 18.15
Extraordinary meeting In Camera
The draft agenda included the following points:
1. Adoption of the agenda
2. Adoption of the minutes of previous meeting
3. Chair's announcements
4. Debriefing with Commissioner VÁRHELYI and MEPs Mr Vladimir BILČÍK and Ms Tanja FAJON on theirJoint Mission to Serbia
5. Any other business
6. Next meeting
16 January 2020
09:00- 10:00
Room: Salvador de Madariaga (S.1)
The draft agenda included the following points:
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 28 November 2019
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. Work Programme for DEG activities in 2020:exchange of views with appointed Lead members and adoption of the Work Programme
5. Any other business
6. Next meeting -
28 November 2019
08:30- 10:00
Room: Salvador de Madariaga (S.1)
The draft agenda included the following points:1. Adoption ofthe draft agenda
2. Adoption ofthe minutes of the meeting of 24 October 2019
3. Chairperson's announcements
4. Decision on DEG priority countries/regions for the 9thlegislature and possible appointment of lead Members
5. Consultation on the EU Election Observation Missions in 2020 and decision on EP Election Observation Delegations in the first half of 2020 (January to July)
6. Anyother business
7. Next meeting
24 October 2019
Constituent meeting
09:00- 10:30
Room: Salvador de Madariaga (S.1)
The draft agenda included the following points:
1. Adoption of the draft agenda
2. Chairperson's announcements
3. Setting up the work of the Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group (DEG) in the 9th Legislature
4. Any other business
5. Next meeting
Previous meetings
14 March 2019
08:30- 10:00
Room: Salvador de Madariaga (S.1)
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Chairperson's announcements
- Discussion and adoption of DEG Recommendations for the next legislature
- Consultation on the EU Election Observation Missions in 2019 by HR/VP Mogherini
and decision on EP Election Observation Delegations in the second half of 2019 - Debriefing on the Election Observation Mission to the general elections in Nigeria (23
February and 9 March) - Any other business
- Next meeting
13 December 2018
08:30- 10:00
Room: Salvador de Madariaga (S.1)
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 25 October 2018
- Chairperson's announcements
- Consultation on the EU Election Observation Missions in 2019 by HRVP Mogherini and decision on EP Election Observation Delegations in the first half of 2019 (January to July)
- Discussion on a possible procedure on individual unofficial election observation
- Discussion and approval of the revised text on the Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group and Implementing Provisions governing Election Observation delegations
- Adoption of the DEG Work Programme 2019
- Any other business
- Next meeting
25 October 2018
08:30- 10:00
Room: Salvador de Madariaga (S.1)
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 13 September 2018
- Chair's announcements
- Exchange of views with Commission and EEAS on Democracy support component in the new external financial instruments 2021/2027
- Any other business
- Next meeting
13 September 2018
08:30- 10:00
Room: Salvador de Madariaga (S.1)
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 14 June 2018
- Chairperson's announcements
- Decision:
- Adoption of a joint Code of Conduct for Parliamentary Delegations observing Elections in the OSCE area - Exchange of views with Louis MICHEL, Co-President of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, on EP democracy support activities with ACP countries
- Exchange of views with Eduard KUKAN, lead-Member for the Western Balkans, on recent developments on parliamentary dialogue and capacity-building in the region
- Debriefing on the election observation mission to the harmonised elections of 30 July in Zimbabwe
- Any other business
- Next meeting
14 June 2018
Room: Salvador de Madariaga (S.1)
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 15 March and 24 April 2018
- Chair's announcements
- Exchange of views:
EU Democracy support approaches towards Zimbabwe in the run-up to the elections
and beyond, with Philippe Van Damme, Head of EU Delegation in Zimbabwe - Decision on EU priorities for Election Observation Missions in the second half of 2018 (September-December)
- Decision on European Parliament Election Observation Delegations in the second half of 2018 (September-December)
- State of play of negotiations on a joint Code of Conduct for Parliamentary Delegations observing Elections in the OSCE area
- Any other business
- Next meeting
24 April 2018
18:45- 20:00
Room: ASP A3G-2
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 15 March 2018
- Chairperson's announcements
- Exchange of views:
State of democracy in Zimbabwe in the run-up to the 2018 general elections:
perspectives from Zimbabwean civil society - Any other business
- Next meeting
15 March 2018
08:30- 10:00
Room: Salvador de Madariaga (S.1)
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 18 January 2017
- Chairperson's announcements
- Exchange of views:
Presentation by Ms Bettina Jakobsen, Member of the European Court of Auditors, on the Court's Special Report on EU Election Observation Missions - Follow-up to elections: the role and possible activities of the EP
- 30th anniversary of the Sakharov Prize - participation of Aung San Suu Kyi
- Any other business
- Next meeting
18 January 2018
08.30 - 10.30
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the Draft Agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 14 December 2017
- Chairperson's announcements
- Participation of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT) in the DEG capacity building activities in 2018
- Proposal to organise an event in the EP to mark the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the European Endowment for Democracy
- Debriefing on the situation in Honduras after the elections by the Chief Observer Ms Marisa Matias
- Any other business
14 December 2017
08.30 - 10.30
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 16 November 2017
- Chairperson's announcements
- Adoption of the DEG Work Programme 2018
- EP Election Observation Delegations in the first half of 2018 (January-July)
- Debriefing on the situation in Honduras after the elections by the Chief Observer Ms Marisa MATIAS
- Any other business
- Next meeting
16 November 2017
08.30 - 10.30
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 14 September 2017
- Chair's announcements
- Exchange of views on the 2018 DEG Work Programme
- Consultation on 2018 EU priorities for election observation
- Conference on the state of democracy in Venezuela, in the margin of the 2018 Sakharov Prize Ceremony
- Any other business
- Next meeting
14 September 2017
10:30 - 11:15
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 6 July 2017
- Chairperson's announcements
- Exchange of views on recent elections in Kenya in presence of Chief Observer Marietje Schaake
- Decision on a possible EP Delegation to observe elections in Nepal on 26 November 2017
- Any other business
- Next meeting
06 July 2017
08:30 - 10:00
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 29 May 2017.
- Chairperson's announcements
- Follow-up measures to strengthen EP election observation
- Exchange of views on possible developments of democracy support activities with the Western Balkans
- Any other business
- Next meeting
29 May 2017
14:00 - 15:00
Room: ASP A5E - 2
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 6 April 2017.
- Chairperson's announcements
- Consultation on the EU Election Observation Missions in 2017 and decision on EP Election Observation Delegations in the second half of 2017 (August - December)
- Any other business
- Next meeting
06 April 2017
09:00 - 10:00
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 16 March 2017
- Announcements
- Conclusions of the Roundtable of "Improving the accountability of Parliamentarians in election observation" (7 March 2017) presented be Alexander Graf Lambsdorff
- Possible revision of DEG's working methods
- Any other business
- Next meeting
16 March 2017
10:00 - 12:00
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 16 February 2017
- Debriefing by Mr. David Martin, lead Member for Tanzania, on his mission to Tanzania on 8 - 9 February 2017
- Conclusions of the Seminar with Chief Observers on follow-up to EOM Recommendations Conclusion (31 January 2017) presented by Ms. Mariya Gabrielf
- Chairperson's announcements
- Revision of DEG's working methods
- Conclusions of the Roundtable on "Improving the accountability of Parliamentarians in election observation" (7 March 2017) presented by Mr. Alexander Graf Lambsdorff
- Any other business
- Next meeting
16 February 2017
10:00 - 11:00
The draft agenda included the following points:- Adoption of the draft agenda
- Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of 15 December 2016
- Chairperson's announcements
- Exchange of views with the President of the Venice Commission, Mr Gianni Buquicchio
- DEG position on possible EU Election Observation Missions to Algeria (legislative elections on 04.05.17), Palestine (municipal elections on 13.05.17) and Gambia (parliamentary elections on 06.04.17)
- Any other business
- Next meeting
Brochure on democracy support
- Global democracy support (EN) (PDF - 5 MB)
- Le soutien à la démocratie dans le monde (FR) (PDF - 5 MB)
- Demokratieförderung weltweit (DE) (PDF - 5 MB)
- Apoyo a la democracia en todo el mundo (ES) (PDF - 5 MB)
- Il sostegno globale alla democrazia (IT) (PDF - 5 MB)
- Globalne wsparcie demokracji (PL) (PDF - 5 MB)