9th parliamentary term Costas MAVRIDES
Political groups
- 02-07-2019 / 15-07-2024 : Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament - Member
National parties
- 02-07-2019 / 15-07-2024 : Democratic Party (Cyprus)
- 02-07-2019 / 19-01-2022 : Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
- 02-07-2019 / 15-07-2024 : Delegation to the EU-Türkiye Joint Parliamentary Committee
- 18-09-2019 / 15-07-2024 : Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean
- 20-01-2022 / 15-07-2024 : Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
- 02-07-2019 / 19-01-2022 : Subcommittee on Security and Defence
- 02-07-2019 / 31-12-2023 : Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
- 09-07-2019 / 19-01-2022 : Committee on International Trade
- 24-07-2019 / 15-07-2024 : Delegation for relations with Israel
- 20-01-2022 / 15-07-2024 : Committee on International Trade
- 20-01-2022 / 15-07-2024 : Subcommittee on Security and Defence
Main parliamentary activities
Contributions to plenary debates
Reports - as rapporteur
A rapporteur is appointed in the responsible parliamentary committee to draft a report on proposals of a legislative or budgetary nature, or other issues. In drafting their report, rapporteurs may consult with relevant experts and stakeholders. They are also responsible for the drafting of compromise amendments and negotiations with shadow rapporteurs. Reports adopted at committee level are then examined and voted on in plenary. Rule 55
Reports - as shadow rapporteur
Political groups designate a shadow rapporteur for each report in the responsible committee to follow progress and negotiate compromise texts with the rapporteur. Rule 215
Oral questions
Questions for oral answer with debate, addressed to the European Commission, the Council or the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union can be tabled by a committee, a political group or at least 5% of Parliament’s members. Rule 136
Other parliamentary activities
Written explanations of vote
Members can submit a written explanation of their vote in plenary. Rule 194
Written questions
Questions to the Bureau, the Conference of Presidents and the Quaestors
Members can submit questions to the President concerning the Bureau, the Conference of Presidents and the Quaestors as regards their respective duties. Rule 32(2)
Questions to the ECB and concerning the SSM and the SRM
Answers to questions to the ECB and concerning the SSM and the SRM
Individual motions for resolutions
In accordance with Rule 143 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure, any individual Member may table a motion for resolution on a matter falling within the spheres of activity of the EU. These motions for resolution express the position of the individual Members who tabled them. Admissible motions are referred to the committee responsible, which shall decide whether to follow up the motion for resolution and, if so, which procedure is to be followed. Where a committee has decided to follow-up a motion for resolution, more detailed information is provided on this page, below the resolution in question. Rule 143
All declarations below have been signed by the Member, even if the signature is not visible in the online copy.
Declaration of private interests
Declaration of financial interests
Declaration on appropriate behaviour
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B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel
1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman
CS 91024
F-67070 Strasbourg Cedex