Curriculum vitae Claudiu-Richard TÂRZIU
Original version : RO
Curriculum vitae (The MEP is solely responsible for the information published)
Updated: 04/11/2024
Education (qualifications and diplomas)
- 2002-2007 : Faculty of Communication and Public Relations, National School of Political and Administrative Sciences, Bucharest
- 1994-1999 : Faculty of Law, Mihai Eminescu University, Iași
- 1987-1991 : Anghel Saligny School, Bacău
Professional career
- 2024-... : Member of the European Parliament
- 2022-... : President of the Mihai Eminescu Institute for Conservative Political Studies
- 2020-2024 : Member of the Romanian Senate, leader of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) in the Senate
- 2005-... : President of the association ‘Rost’ (‘Meaning’)
- 04/2012-12/2020 : Marketing Director at Cosânzeana Edit Pres Srl
- 12/2006-12/2020 : Commentator with the weekly paper ‘Formula As’, Bucharest
- 2002-2012 : Editor of the monthly Christian and political cultural journal ‘Rost’, Bucharest
- 2001-2002 : Chief investigative journalist with the daily paper ‘Cotidianul’, Bucharest
- 1999-2001 : Editor-in-chief of the monthly political magazine ‘Crezul nostru’, Bacău
- 2000-2001 : Bacău correspondent for the daily paper ‘Evenimentul zilei’
- 2000-2000 : Special reporter with the weekly paper ‘Impartial’, Bacău
- 1998-1999 : Editor-in-chief of the week ‘Imparțial’, Bacău
- 1995-1998 : Head of the politico-administrative section of the daily paper ‘Monitorul de Bacău’
- 1994-1999 : Bacău correspondent for the national daily ‘Ziua’, Bucharest
- 1994-2000 : Radio Free Europe worker
- 1994-1995 : Deputy editor of the daily paper ‘Ultima oră’
- 1993-1994 : Deputy editor of the daily paper ‘Ziua’
- 1993-1994 : Bacău correspondent for the national daily ‘Evenimentul zilei’
Political career
Offices held in a political party or national trade union
- 27/03/2022-... : President of the National Steering Council of the AUR
- 24/01/2020-27/03/2022 : Co-President of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR)
Offices held in a national parliament
- 22/12/2020-10/07/2024 : Chair of the Committee on Romanians Living Abroad and member of the Senate Committee on Defence, Public Order and National Security
- 21/12/2020-10/07/2024 : Leader of the AUR group in the Senate
- 06/12/2020-10/07/2024 : Member of the Romanian Senate
Offices held in the EU institutions
- 16/07/2024-... : Member of the European Parliament
Other activities
- 2022-... : President of the Mihai Eminescu Institute for Conservative Political Studies
- 2005-... : President of the association ‘Rost’ (‘Meaning’), Bucharest
- 2015-2017 : Member of the national Coordination council of the campaign conducted by the Coalition for the Family to amend the constitution to ensure a clearer definition of the notion of family in the fundamental law of the state
- 2013-2017 : Representative of the association ‘Rost’ in the Coalition for the Family and the Constitution
- 2008-2010 : Member of the Coordination council of the Romanian Orthodox Forum
- 29/11/2008 : Founder of ‘Forul Ortodox Român’ (Romanian Orthodox Forum)
- 29/11/2008 : Main organiser of the Conference of Romanian Orthodox Lay Associations, regrouping over 60 NGOs with a cultural and civic bent rooted in Orthodox Christianity
- 2008 : Member of the steering committee of the Romanian Association of Christian Journalists and Editors
- 2005 : Trainer in investigative journalism at the Association for the Protection and Promotion of Freedom of Expression; I attended a peripatetic course at the universities of Suceava, Bacău, Galați, Ploiești, Constanța, Craiova, Brașov and Sibiu
- 2005 : Member of the Association for the Protection and Promotion of Freedom of Expression
- 2002-2005 : Vice-President of the ‘Romfest XXI’ association, Iași-Bucharest
- 1997-2001 : President of the Bacău branch of the ‘Buna Vestire’ cultural foundation
- 1993 : Member of the Association of Professional Journalists
- Order of Sfântul Voievod Ștefan cel Mare (Holy Prince Stephen the Great), third grade, awarded by the Orthodox Metropolitan Bishop of Bessarabia, for work in promoting and supporting the church
- Cross of Bălțeană, the highest distinction for lay people, awarded by the Orthodox Bishop of Bălți (Bessarabia)
- Order of Sfântul Voievod Ștefan cel Mare, first grade, the highest distinction for lay people, awarded by the Orthodox Metropolitan Bishop of Bessarabia, for work in promoting and supporting the church
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