
Contributions to plenary debates - 6th parliamentary term Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITE

Speeches made during the plenary session and written declarations relating to plenary debates. Rules Rule 204 and 171(11)

Palestinian prisoners in Israel (debate)

09-07-2008 P6_CRE(2008)07-09(3-378)

Airport capacity and ground handling (debate)

11-10-2007 P6_CRE(2007)10-11(4-032)

EU-USA Air Services Agreement (debate)

13-03-2007 P6_CRE(2007)03-13(2-072)

Footwear from China and Vietnam (debate)

11-10-2006 P6_CRE(2006)10-11(3-153)

Measures to promote tourism (debate) ES

12-06-2006 P6_CRE-REV(2006)06-12(1-189)

Council Question Time

08-06-2005 P6_CRE(2005)06-08(3-249)

Fight against terrorism

07-06-2005 P6_CRE(2005)06-07(2-021)

Drought in Spain

12-05-2005 P6_CRE(2005)05-12(4-153)

Recognition of seafarers' certificates

22-02-2005 P6_CRE(2005)02-22(2-364)