Date of birth : , Costacciaro (PG)
6th parliamentary term Rapisardo ANTINUCCI
Political groups
- 17-06-2008 / 13-07-2009 : Socialist Group in the European Parliament - Member
National parties
- 17-06-2008 / 18-06-2008 : Uniti nell'Ulivo (Italy)
- 19-06-2008 / 13-07-2009 : Partito Socialista (Italy)
- 07-07-2008 / 13-07-2009 : Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
- 04-07-2008 / 13-07-2009 : Committee on Regional Development
Parliamentary questions
Questions for oral answer with debate may be tabled by a committee, a political group or at least 5% of Parliament’s component Members . The addressees are other EU institutions. The Conference of Presidents decides whether, and in what order, questions are placed on the final draft agenda for a Plenary sitting. Rule 128
Questions to the ECB and concerning the SSM and the SRM
Attendance list
This attendance record is an extract from the Minutes of plenary sittings of the 6th parliamentary term. The information therein is supplied for information purposes only and covers the Member's term of office in the European Parliament. It is raw data and does not include corrections for justified absence because of illness, maternal/paternal leave, authorised parliamentary delegation business etc.