Grupo de la Izquierda en el Parlamento Europeo - GUE/NGL

Miembro de la Mesa

Irlanda - Sinn Féin (Irlanda)

Fecha de nacimiento : , Dublin

Explicaciones de voto por escrito Lynn BOYLAN

Todo diputado puede presentar una explicación por escrito sobre su voto en el Pleno. Artículo 194 del Reglamento interno

Nuevo deterioro de la situación política en Georgia EN


I voted against this resolution as it contained incredibly problematic language regarding the future of Georgia. While I am deeply concerned about democratic backsliding and foreign interference in Georgia, I cannot endorse a position that calls for NATO membership for Georgia or which continues to recognise a person whose term expired in December 2024. The content regarding electoral fraud also does not match the OSCE's report from election monitors on the ground in Georgia for the election. Furthermore, as a representative of a neutral country, I am further concerned that enlargement policy is moving away from focusing on fundamental values required for EU membership towards requiring alignment with the foreign policy of certain European countries.

Escalada de la violencia en el este de la República Democrática del Congo EN


I voted in favour of this resolution which highlights the escalation of violence in the region and, among other things, strongly condemned the indiscriminate attacks by all parties.

IVA: normas en la era digital EN


I supported this consultation report. I have qualms about the changes made at Council level which may weaken the impact of this Directive but fundamentally it should help tackle VAT fraud and put pressure on Big Tech companies to play their role.

Cooperación administrativa en el ámbito de la fiscalidad EN


I supported this technical report which helps pave the way for implementation of previously agree tax reforms.

Oposición con arreglo al artículo 115, apartados 2 y 3, del Reglamento interno: maíz modificado genéticamente MON 95275 EN


I voted in favour of this objection, which relates to the authorisation of the sale of GMO maize in the EU. The GMOs have insecticidal and herbicide-resistant properties. While the EFSA deems that these crop varieties are safe, their assessment only covers the genetic modification itself and does not consider how the use of these crops leads to increased pesticide and herbicide use in practice. This places EU consumers and farmers in third countries at increased risk of exposure to these harmful substances, which also harm biodiversity. Furthermore, the process the Commission follows to approve GMO crops suffers from a democratic deficit. A qualified majority of Member States did not agree to their authorisation but, because no concrete decision was taken by Member State representatives either way, the Commission can roll through the approval without any consent. This is poor policy-making and the Commission must address its GMO approval process. I also supported the amendments to this motion that highlighted the prevalence of GMO use in certain Mercosur countries, and called for the European Parliament to reject the Mercosur Agreement.

Celebración del Acuerdo entre la Unión Europea y la República Popular de Bangladesh sobre determinados aspectos de los servicios aéreos EN


I voted in favour this agreement as it would give all European Union air carriers non-discriminatory access to routes between the EU and third countries, and bring bilateral air services agreements between member states and third countries in line with Union law.

Celebración, en nombre de la Unión, del Protocolo (2024-2029) de aplicación del Acuerdo de asociación en el sector pesquero entre la Comunidad Europea y la República de Cabo Verde EN


I voted against this agreement because, although it may include a number of progressive measures, it is primarily a predatory agreement that pays the Cabo Verde Islands a very small portion of the market value of the fish, which would be allowed to be caught. This deal would allow a limited number of Spanish, Portuguese and French Vessels to fish tuna and related species in Cabo Verdes waters. Crucially, this agreement is exploitative to the advantage of the EU and to the determinant of coastal and fishing communities of Cabo Verde.

Renovación del Acuerdo de Cooperación científica y tecnológica entre la Comunidad Europea y Ucrania EN


I supported this renewal of the science and technology cooperation agreement between the EU and Ukraine, which was first signed in 2002. It has to be renewed every 5 years. It lays down a framework for cooperation between universities, research institutes and state bodies. The topics covered by the agreement do not include arms, security or nuclear energy, therefore I was happy to support.

Banco Central Europeo: informe anual 2024 EN


I voted against this report as it marks a significant step back on progress made in previous annual reports.
In particular, it’s orthodox approach to tackling priced stability through austerity above all other concerns, environmental and social, made in unacceptable to me.

Necesidad de acciones ante la opresión continua y el fraude electoral en Bielorrusia EN


I supported this resolution which is mainly focused on human rights issues. It is important to condemn the use of the death penalty and call for the release of political prisoners.



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