Bureau adopts first decision on strengthening transparency and accountability
Today's Bureau decision on former Members revises the existing rules, dating back to 1999, on facilities granted to former Members.
Following the endorsement by Parliament’s Group leaders of the reform plan proposed by President Metsola, the Bureau adopted first implementing decision revising the rules for Former Members of the European Parliament and held a first discussion on revised rules on access to Parliament’s premises.
It introduces among other things a cooling off period for former Members of 6 months following the end of their mandate. During this period, former Members shall not engage in lobbying or representational activities with the European Parliament. After this period, if former Members decide to engage in lobbying or representational activities with the European Parliament, they will have to register in the Transparency Register. Consequently, they will not be entitled to the access rights and facilities provided to them as former members.
The Bureau also discussed revised rules on access to Parliament’s premises codifying existing provisions to ensure legal clarity and better implementation including the type of badges and the categories of users.
The Bureau will be dealing in the coming weeks with other aspects of this first set of measures like the participation of interest representatives in events held in Parliament or the revision of the internal rules on whistleblowing.
In parallel, the implementation of a number of measures that require changes to the Parliaments Rules of Procedure is ongoing. Debates in the committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) have started.
To accompany all the actions mentioned above, Parliament will run regular awareness-raising campaigns on obligations for MEPs and staff.
This first set of reforms aims at strengthening the Parliament’s integrity, independence and accountability, while protecting the free mandate of Members. Other medium and long-term measures will be discussed in the special Committee responsible established in February plenary (ING2). In addition, general modernisation of EP's ways of working are considered in a wider reform process, launched by the Conference of Presidents in January 2023 on legislative, budgetary, scrutiny, plenary and external dimensions of Parliament's work.
An overview about all proposed reforms is available here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230208IPR72802/group-leaders-endorse-first-steps-of-parliamentary-reform
EP Spokesperson and Director General for Communication -
Delphine COLARD
Head of Spokesperson’s Unit and Deputy Spokesperson