New Genomic Techniques: MEPs back rules to support green transition of farmers
For a more sustainable and resilient food system, MEPs support a simpler process for NGT plants equivalent to conventional plants, while others must follow stricter rules.
On 7 February 2024, Parliament adopted its position for negotiations with member states on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs). However, as Council has still not adopted their position on this file, Parliament today voted to close its first reading (336 votes to 238 and 41 abstentions) in order to facilitate the work of the next European Parliament.
You can read more about Parliament’s position on New Genomic Techniques in the press release after the last vote in Plenary.
Next steps
The file will be followed up by the new Parliament after the 6 - 9 June European elections.
The objective of the new legislation proposed by the European Commission is to make the food system more sustainable and resilient by developing improved plant varieties that are climate resilient, pest resistant, and give higher yields or that require fewer fertilisers and pesticides.
The European Food Safety Authority has evaluated potential safety issues of NGTs. Several NGT products are already or in the process of becoming available on the market outside the EU (e.g. bananas in the Philippines that do not go brown, with the potential to reduce food waste and CO2 emissions).