Aggressive tax planning and democratic control:Role of Parliaments,17 June 2015 (TAXE)
Following the "Luxleaks" press revelations and the setting up of the Special EP Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature or Effect (TAXE), the TAXE Committee organised an exchange of views with EU national Parliaments on aggressive tax planning and democratic control. The discussion concentrated on the negative effects of harmful tax planning in Member States, and awareness of, and control from, national parliamentary committees on tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect. It also sought to bring out important elements that may help the European Parliament understand better national choices and deliver recommendations that will be judged appropriate in the relevant field.
The meeting was held on 17 June 2015, from 09:00 to 12:30, at the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels (JAN 4Q2). It was chaired by Mr Alain Lamassoure MEP, Chair of TAXE.
- Invitation letter EN
- Invitation letter FR
- Draft Agenda EN
- Draft Agenda FR
- Final list of participants
- Contribution from CZ Chamber
- Contribution from HU Parliament
- Contribution from SE Parliament
- Contribution from DE Bundestag - Letter Thomas Gambke
- Contribution from DE Bundestag - Document 1
- Contribution from DE Bundestag - Document 2
- Contribution from FI Parliament
- Contribution from PT Parliament
- Contribution from SK Parliament