Videoer & lydoptagelser

Videoer og lydoptagelser

Podcast: The Sakharov Prize, the European Parliament and human rights worldwide

A podcast about Andrei Sakharov and the Sakharov Prize made in conjunction with the exhibition "The Sakharov Prize, the European Parliament and human rights worldwide". Listen to the podcast in all languages in the link below.

What is the Sakharov Prize?

Watch the video by Michaela Medić-Wannenwetsch, a 19 year old English and Politics student from Germany. Here is what inspired Michaela, a child of a refugee from Bosnia and Herzegovina, to create this video as part of All Europa project: ''Being raised in an immigrant family made me interested in justice from a young age, especially for people that must flee their country because of political situations as well as in human rights."

All Europa is a Migration Policy Group project in collaboration with the European Parliament which aims to reach first- and second-generation refugees and EU mobile citizens in six EU countries (France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain and Ireland) and to help their voices be heard. Through the medium of videos, participants can express their opinions and experiences of living within the EU.

Alexei Navalny

Sakharov-prisen 2021 – Aleksej Navalnyj, manden der gør modstand mod det russiske regime  © European Parliament

A 5 minute documentary about 2021 Sakharov Prize laureate Alexei Navalny

Street demonstrations, investigations, poisoning and jail... Alexei Navalny's fight against the corruption of the Russian regime has been met with intimidation and violence for more than a decade. The European Parliament awarded the 2021 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to the jailed Russian opposition figure in the centenary year of Russian dissident Andrei Sakharov, after whom the prize is named.

Hvid tortur af Lorent Saleh

Uddrag fra forestillingen i Europa-Parlamentet den 18. februar 2020

Lorent Saleh, en af Sakharovprismodtagerne i 2017, er medlem af den demokratiske opposition i Venezuela. Den 18. februar opførte han forestillingen "Hvid tortur" i garagen i Europa-Parlamentet i Bruxelles. Indespærret i et bur viste han, hvordan han havde lidt under sit fangenskab, der varede fire år og to måneder. Det meste af tiden blev tilbragt i isolation. Saleh formåede at genskabe atmosfæren i et torturkammer. Dette gjorde han ved hjælp af lyseffekter, specielle lyde og adskillige frivillige, der kunne spille rollerne som politibetjente og fanger.