Podpora obhajcov ľudských práv
Sakharov Fellowship 15-27 June 2025 - call for applications (deadline 26 January)
The European Parliament's Sakharov Fellowship offers up to 14 human rights defenders selected from non-EU countries the opportunity to follow a two week intensive training in Brussels and at the Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice. The empowering programme for human rights defenders has been organised annually since 2016 further to an initiative taken by the Sakharov Prize Community at the 25th Anniversary Conference of the Sakharov Prize.
Under the Sakharov Fellowship training programme human rights defenders will
· enhance their knowledge of EU and international human rights frameworks, policies and mechanisms and
· develop capacities to advocate for and effect positive change to protect human rights.
Beyond the training, Sakharov Fellows will
· help grow the network of Sakharov Fellows to share best practices, disseminate the acquired knowledge and extend awareness of the Sakharov Prize and the Sakharov Community;
· have the opportunity to maintain links with the work of the European Parliament and continue liaising with EU Delegations in their respective countries.
The Brussels programme focuses on EU policies and tools in support of human rights defenders, accessing funding, developing communications skills, and raising awareness of specific security challenges facing human rights defenders. It further includes meetings with Members of Parliament, officials of the EU institutions and Brussels-based NGOs. The Fellows will also have space for individual advocacy and networking activities.
Training at the Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice combines academic teaching on international human rights law, instruments and mechanisms with case studies and provides practical tools for improving the work of human rights defenders to effect change on the ground. Lecturers include prominent academics, representatives of leading human rights NGOs, Sakharov Prize laureates and other outstanding human rights practitioners.
The programme will be organised in person in Brussels and Venice. It might be changed to an on-line format if sanitary conditions require.
The Sakharov fellowship is subject to the approval of the Annual Work Programme of DG-EXPO of the European Parliament.
Candidates should have a proven record in campaigning for human rights in a NGO or other organisation or in an individual capacity. They must have a high level of English, sufficient to follow and contribute to discussion groups and workshops in Brussels and Venice.
The selection of Fellows is based on the above criteria and the need to ensure gender balance as well as the representation of a variety of geographical areas and human rights issues.
The Fellowship covers return travel from the country of origin, accommodation in Brussels and Venice and a daily living allowance. The deadline for applications is midnight 26 January 2025 (CET). Successful candidates will receive confirmation by email, latest by 24 February 2025. Unsuccessful candidates will not be informed of the reasons why they were not shortlisted or offered a fellowship.
2024 Sakharov fellowship for human rights defenders
As in previous years, the European Parliament designed a comprehensive programme to provide fellows an overview of the EU institutions directly involved in international human rights, as well as the instruments they use to support defenders and activists.
Several MEPs had bilateral meetings with the fellows and the two Vice-Presidents for Human Rights, Heidi Hautala and Martin Hojsik met the group for lively exchanges of views. Group advisers explained the Urgency Resolutions mechanism. The EEAS, the European Commission and the Council of the EU also got involved and explained fellows their role within the EU human rights machinery.
This year's edition saw two very concrete examples of the Sakharov Community of laureates and fellows in action:
· In Brussels, the Parliament organised a Special Session on the situation in Gaza on 6 March - where Sakharov laureates, MEPs and fellows could discuss the coherence of the EU human rights policy.
· In Venice, representatives of the Woman, Life, Freedom, 2024 Sakharov Prize laureate, took part in a lively round table on the situation of women in Iran. Speakers included the 2021 fellow from Iran and the 2024 fellow Aida Ghajar. 2012 Sakharov Prize laureate Nasrin Sotoudeh addressed the fellows with a previously recorded message.
2024 Sakharov Fellows on International Women’s Day 2024
To celebrate International Women's Day on Friday 8 March, some of our fellows working on women's rights and gender issues share insights on their experience and ways forward.
Happy International Women's Day!
2023 Sakharov fellowship for human rights defenders
The 2023 Sakharov fellows come from Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, China, DRC, Ethiopia, Georgia, Myanmar, Oman, Russia, and Tunisia. They brought with them impressive backgrounds and rich experiences in the areas of defence of freedom of expression, women's rights, LGBTQI+ and minority rights, human rights in healthcare, migration and more.
All are strongly engaged in promoting human rights in their countries. They had dense programmes in Brussels and Venice. The Brussels week focused EU Human Rights policies, mechanisms and instruments, the role of Parliament, networking and personal development workshops. DROI Chair Udo Bullmann and Member Isabel Santos participated in their programme as speakers and they also numerous bilateral meetings with Members.
The part at the Venice Campus of Human Rights put an emphasis on UN mechanisms discussions on indigenous rights, climate change and gender equality. There, they also engaged in debate with Sakharov Laureate Oleksandra Matviichuk on accountability for war crimes in Ukraine and discussed documenting human rights violations and engaging with human rights scepticism.
2022 Sakharov fellowship for human rights defenders
The 2022 Sakharov Fellowship was back in Brussels from the 13-17 June and in Venice from the 20-24 June. Again, an amazing gathering of 14 highly dedicated human rights defenders from Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Ethiopia, Georgia, Iraq, Israel, Kenya, Myanmar, Nepal, Peru, Russia, South Africa, Tunisia, and, finally, from Türkiye.
As in previous years, the programme aimed at enhancing their capacity and resilience in their fight for human rights. The participants highly appreciated opportunities to: connect them to the EP and EU institutions, to experts, diplomats, and other human rights practitioners from all over the world; deepen their knowledge of international and EU human rights mechanisms; strengthen their communication and digital security skills and help them boost their psychological resilience; and, not least, lobby for their causes.
The Sakharov Community eagerly embraced its new members: 2021 Sakharov Prize finalist Zarifa Ghafari featured as key speaker at the opening of the Venice School for Human Rights Defenders. She was joined by 2021 Sakharov fellow Hareer Hashim for a roundtable on the current situation of Afghan women. 2009 Sakharov laureate Memorial was represented by Marina Agaltsova to the Roundtable on access to information in Russia. The Venice week was closed by the screening of and a debate on Hava, Maryam, Ayesha film by 2021 Sakharov finalist Sahraa Karimi.
This year's edition was another reminder of the vital importance of human rights for democracy and peace worldwide. As the pool of Sakharov Fellowship alumni grows with every edition, we trust the Fellows to join forces in building a world where we could all enjoy our rights and fulfil our responsibilities, in dignity and freedom.
2021 Sakharov fellowship for human rights defenders
After a 2020 edition fully remote with a more limited agenda, the fellowship returned to its ambitious design and allowed 14 human rights defenders to follow a two-week intensive training course commencing at the European Parliament in Brussels then continuing at the Global Campus for Human Rights in Venice. With expertise ranging on various issues on environmental law, women's and child's rights, LGBTQ+ and civil and political rights, the fellows derived from Afghanistan, Cameroun, Chile, Egypt, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Russia, and Ukraine. Through this programme, the fellows were provided with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of EU and international human rights frameworks.
In addition to lectures and workshops, the fellows had the opportunity in Brussels to meet MEPs, diplomats, staff of the EU institutions and experts on the most pressing issues in human rights area. This was the occasion for them to draw attention to human rights violations in their own respective countries and to form links with some members of the European Parliament for their future struggles. This edition also encompassed 2017 Sakharov Prize Laureate Laurent Saleh, who visited a new exhibition space dedicated to the Sakharov prize in the Parlamentarium and part of which tells the story of his journey to freedom following years of imprisonment. During this visit, fellows were able to meet and exchange with Lorent Salah. In Venice, fellows were also given the possibility to present their work, to review cases based on participants' experience, to deepen their knowledge of UN HR mechanisms, gender-based violence and consider the impact of climate change.
This program has demonstrated with this sixth edition all its strengths: to allow human rights defenders to unite and discuss for two weeks and to keep contacts for future common struggles. The European Parliament will continue to give its full support to human rights defenders and activists around the world to contribute to the defence of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
If you want to learn more about the fellows of this new edition, short biographies and videos are available on the Sakharov Fellowship World Map.
2020 Sakharov Fellowship for human rights defenders
Different mode, equivalent impact
Held in previous years over a two-week programme in Brussels and Venice, the 2020 Sakharov Fellowship was converted into an online edition and consisted of eight once-a-week online sessions. The programme covered comprehensive thematic agenda and was complemented by advocacy opportunities through bilateral meetings with MEPs and relevant EU officials.
The 2020 Sakharov Fellowship focused on ways to ensure protection and respect of human rights in times of global crises and on preparing the fellows to address related challenges. The exploration of EU and UN mechanisms to support human rights' work was followed by discussions on three specific topics: women's rights, LGBTI and migrants' and minorities' rights.
2020 Sakharov Fellows
The fellows came from Burundi, Brazil, India, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Algeria, Colombia, Belarus, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, China, Turkey, Ghana, and Russia. Their fields of human rights activity are diverse, going from women's and children's rights, minority rights, LGBTI rights, environmental defence, migration, forced labour, freedom of speech to political prisoners' rights.
A stronger Sakharov Community
The Sakharov Fellowship Programme aims to empower the next generation of human rights defenders to serve as agents of democratic change in their countries. The Covid-19 pandemic challenged the European Parliament and the Sakharov Community to discover new ways to make this possible, to collaborate, get together, help break barriers, and react swiftly to defend urgent human rights causes.
If you want to learn more about the fellows of this new edition, short biographies and videos are available on the Sakharov Fellowship World Map.
Sacharovovo štipendium pre obhajcov ľudských práv
Európsky parlament umožňuje ďalšej generácii obhajcov ľudských práv, aby sa vo svojich krajinách stali nositeľmi demokratickej zmeny.
Sacharovovo štipendium ponúka až 14 obhajcom ľudských práv z krajín, ktoré nie sú členmi EÚ, príležitosť absolvovať dvojtýždňový intenzívny školiaci kurz, pričom jeden týždeň sa koná v Bruseli a jeden týždeň v Globálnom kampuse pre ľudské práva v Benátkach. Tento program sa organizuje každoročne od roku 2016. Nápad na štipendium prišiel zo Spoločenstva laureátov Sacharovovej ceny, ktoré ho navrhlo na konferencii pri príležitosti 25. výročia Sacharovovej ceny.
V rámci školiaceho programu Sacharovovho štipendia môžu obhajcovia ľudských práv
• zlepšiť svoje poznatky o rámcoch, politikách a mechanizmoch v oblasti ľudských práv v EÚ a v medzinárodnom spoločenstve a
• rozvíjať svoje schopnosti na presadzovanie a vykonávanie pozitívnych zmien v záujme ochrany ľudských práv.
Okrem týchto školení štipendisti Sacharovovej ceny
• rozšíria sieť štipendistov Sacharovovej ceny s cieľom vymieňať si najlepšie postupy, šíriť svoje znalosti a rozširovať povedomie o Sacharovovej cene a o Spoločenstve laureátov Sacharovovej ceny,
• udržiavajú vzťahy s Európskym parlamentom a s delegáciami EÚ vo svojich krajinách.
Bruselský program sa zameriava na: prístup k financovaniu, komunikačné zručnosti, bezpečnostné výzvy pre obhajcov ľudských práv a politiky a nástroje EÚ, ktoré podporujú obhajcov ľudských práv. Zahŕňa aj stretnutia s poslancami Parlamentu, úradníkmi inštitúcií EÚ a mimovládnymi organizáciami pôsobiacimi v Bruseli. Štipendisti majú možnosť vykonávať podporné činnosti a činnosti súvisiace s vytváraním sietí.
V Benátkach štipendisti navštevujú Benátsku školu ľudských práv spolu s medzinárodnými študentmi v oblasti ľudských práv. Prednášky sa zameriavajú na rozvoj vedomostí o medzinárodnom práve, nástrojoch a mechanizmoch v oblasti ľudských práv a o tom, ako tieto znalosti možno použiť v praxi na dosiahnutie zmeny. Medzi prednášajúcich patria prominentní akademickí pracovníci, predstavitelia popredných mimovládnych organizácií pôsobiacich v oblasti ľudských práv, laureáti Sacharovovej ceny a poslanci Európskeho parlamentu.
Uchádzači by mali mať preukázané skúsenosti s bojom za ľudské práva - a to buď samostatne, alebo v spolupráci s mimovládnou alebo inou organizáciou. Musia mať veľmi dobré znalosti angličtiny, aby sa mohli zapájať a prispievať do diskusných skupín a seminárov v Bruseli a Benátkach.
Výber štipendistov sa zakladá na uvedených kritériách, pričom sa prihliada aj na rodovú rovnováhu a na zastúpenie rôznych geografických oblastí a ľudskoprávnych tém.
60 rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 - Bruxelles/Brussels