Review clauses in EU legislation adopted during the second half of the ninth parliamentary term (January 2022-September 2024) - A Rolling Check-List
Reviews of existing legislation provide an evidence-based assessment of the performance of policies and legislation. Review findings support political decision-making and inform the design of possible future revisions. The systematic review of legislation has become a key policy-making tool at the EU level, most notably in the context of the EU's better regulation agenda. This rolling check-list has been published periodically since 2014. It contributes to the European Parliament's scrutiny of the European Commission's reporting duties by analysing all review clauses contained in EU legislative acts adopted during a certain time period. This ninth edition covers all review clauses in legislative acts adopted during the second half of the ninth parliamentary term (i.e. January 2022-September 2024), complementing the previous eighth edition, which covers the first half of the ninth term. The complete dataset of review clauses is preceded by an initial analysis that places review clauses within the broader context of better law-making and explores the main features of the review clauses included in the dataset, reflecting the choices of the co-legislators during the second half of the ninth parliamentary term. In an effort to show the evolution of review clauses over the past decade, the analysis also compares data of the ninth with those of the eighth term.