Kommende begivenheder

The Indian and EU flags crossing each other
Andre begivenheder IMCO

From 6–10 January 2025, an IMCO Delegation will visit Mumbai, Pune, and Bangalore to engage with governmental bodies, academia, and other relevant stakeholders. The discussions will cover key EU legislative acts related to digital services, digital markets, AI, product safety, and consumer protection. The delegation will also aim to enhance EU-India cooperation, promoting digital innovation and addressing challenges in e-commerce.

Public hearing on “The Impact of Taxation on Gender Equality in the EU”
Høringer FISC

On 13 January 2025, from 16:00 to 17:15, the FISC Subcommittee will host a public hearing on the impact of taxation on gender equality in the European Union. The hearing is organized in the context of the European Parliament’s Gender Equality Week 2024, which took place from 2 to 5 December 2025.

Ten issues to watch in 2025
Policy Roundtables and Book Talks EPRS

This event will be held in the Library of the European Parliament in Brussels, which is located on the fifth floor (5D) of the Spinelli building. If you do not have an access badge (official, not external) from the European Parliament, European Commission, European Council, EEAS, EESC, CoR or the EDPS, please register by Monday 13 January at 12:00.

Andre begivenheder PETI

Upcoming Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on “Strengthening cooperation for a timely and correct enforcement of EU law benefitting EU citizens” (PETI ICM), 28 January 2025, Brussels, from 15.00 to 18.30 in the European Parliament in Brussels (Room Antall 6Q2), in physical presence only.


Efter forretningsordenens artikel 193 kan et udvalg arrangere en eksperthøring, hvis det finder det nødvendigt for sit arbejde med et bestemt emne. To eller flere udvalg kan også holde fælles høringer. De fleste udvalg arrangerer regelmæssige høringer, da det giver dem mulighed for at få oplysninger fra eksperter og drøfte nøglespørgsmål. Denne side indeholder al foreliggende information om udvalgshøringer, inklusive programmer, postere og indlæg fra talere.


Workshopper tilrettelægges af temaafdelingerne og Enheden for Videnskabeligt Fremsyn (STOA) og administreres i overensstemmelse med finansforordningen. Der er ikke nødvendigvis offentlig adgang, da workshopper kan afholdes i forbindelse med et udvalgsmøde.

EPRS' rundbordssamtaler om politikker og bogsamtaler

EPRS' rundbordssamtaler om politikker og bogsamtaler

Andre begivenheder

Alle andre politisk relaterede arrangementer