
Ihre Ergebnisse

Anzeige: 10 von 75 Ergebnissen

As required by EU water legislation, and in line with the European Green Deal's zero pollution ambition, on 26 October 2022 the European Commission tabled a proposal to revise the lists of surface water and groundwater pollutants that need to be monitored and controlled for the purpose of protecting EU freshwater bodies and the associated environmental quality standards. The proposal also seeks to remedy shortcomings identified in the current framework as regards chemical pollution in waters, and ...

Auf der November-Tagung wird das Parlament die Ergebnisse erörtern, die auf der 16. Tagung der Vertragsparteien (COP 16) des Übereinkommens der Vereinten Nationen über die biologische Vielfalt (CBD), dem wichtigsten internationalen Instrument zum Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt, erzielt wurden. Die Konferenz fand vom 21. Oktober bis zum 2. November 2024 in Cali (Kolumbien) statt.

Currently, there is no EU-wide legislation specifically on soil, although many policy instruments relevant to soil protection are in place. Under the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030, part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission presented a new EU soil strategy for 2030, with the aim of having all EU soil ecosystems in a healthy condition by 2050. To achieve this objective, on 5 July 2023 it tabled a proposal for a soil monitoring and resilience directive, laying down measures for monitoring ...

Jessika Roswall is a politician from the Moderate Party in Sweden, affiliated to the European People's Party (EPP). Prior to her nomination for the post of Commissioner, Roswall was Sweden's minister for European affairs, from October 2022 to September 2024. Between 2010 and 2022, she served as a member of the Swedish Parliament, holding the position of second vice-president of its EU affairs committee from 2019 to 2022. Roswall was also a member of the 'transparency councils' of the Swedish Consumer ...

Batteries are a crucial element in the EU's transition to a climate-neutral economy. On 10 December 2020, the European Commission presented a proposal designed to modernise the EU's regulatory framework for batteries in order to secure the sustainability and competitiveness of battery value chains. The proposal seeks to introduce mandatory requirements on sustainability (such as carbon footprint rules, minimum recycled content, performance and durability criteria), safety and labelling for the marketing ...

Air pollution is the single largest environmental health risk in the EU and causes significant damage to ecosystems. As part of the European Green Deal's zero pollution ambition, on 26 October 2022 the European Commission tabled a proposal for a revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directives. The proposed directive would set air quality standards for 2030 that are more closely aligned with World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations, as updated in 2021. It would also include a mechanism for the ...

Once dispersed in the environment, microplastic particles under 5 mm in size are extremely difficult to remove and very persistent. Today, they are present in the air, soil, freshwater, seas, oceans, plants and animals, and in several components of the human diet. Human exposure to microplastic particles is therefore widespread, raising concerns about potential health impacts. The EU has committed to addressing microplastic pollution in two action plans –on the new circular economy and on zero pollution ...

Auf seiner April-II-Plenartagung dürfte das Parlament seinen Standpunkt in erster Lesung zu einem Vorschlag annehmen, mit dem die Freisetzung von Kunststoffgranulat verhindert werden soll, um die Verschmutzung durch Mikroplastik zu verringern. Der Rat hat seinen Standpunkt bis jetzt noch nicht festgelegt.

In October 2022, under the European Green Deal, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a recast of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive. Dating back to 1991, and instrumental to the achievement of European Union water policy objectives, the directive needs to be updated and adapted to new challenges and realities. The recast proposal would introduce new obligations to do more to control pollution due to rainwater, impose stricter standards for nutrient removal and require advanced treatment ...

Bodenüberwachung und -resilienz

Auf einen Blick 08-04-2024

Böden sind äußerst vielfältig, beherbergen mehr als 25 % der gesamten biologischen Vielfalt und sind der zweitgrößte Kohlenstoffspeicher der Erde. Auf der ersten Plenartagung im April 2024 nimmt das Europäische Parlament voraussichtlich seinen Standpunkt in erster Lesung zu einem Vorschlag der Kommission zur Schaffung des ersten EU-weiten gemeinsamen Rahmens für Böden an.