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ATAG to the study - Based on a comprehensive review of eleven legislative texts of the ‘Fit for 55’ package with a transport policy dimension, this study highlights the expected impacts they may produce on connectivity and mobility, encompassing the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness in the ability of passengers and goods to travel within the EU.

This is the third edition of a study on the European Commission's follow-up to European Parliament requests as expressed in non-legislative resolutions based either on ordinary own-initiative reports (INIs) or on Article 225 TFEU legislative-initiative reports (INLs). Analysing the Commission's replies in formal follow-up documents (for INIs) and in letters in reply to legislative-initiative reports (INL), this joint DG PRES and DG EPRS project seeks to support the European Parliament's scrutiny ...


ELi teabelehed 16-05-2024

Alates 2009. aasta detsembrist on Euroopa Liit pädev võtma meetmeid liikmesriikide turismipoliitika meetmete toetamiseks, koordineerimiseks või täiendamiseks. Kuigi 2021.–2027. aasta mitmeaastases finantsraamistikus ei ole turismipoliitikale ette nähtud eraldi eelarverida, eraldati ajavahemikul 2022–2023 läbiviidavaks turismitegevuseks eelarve ühtse turu programmi raames.

This study focuses on EU Cohesion Policy in the nine outermost regions. It first outlines the geographic, climate, socio-economic, demographic and administrative characteristics of these regions and further analyses the vulnerabilities affecting their convergence processes. It pays particular attention to the implementation of EU Cohesion Policy and the use of place-based approaches to foster their economic growth. Finally, it reviews the importance of Article 349 of the TFEU and concludes with recommendations ...

Rural tourism

Briefing 08-09-2023

A large share of tourism in the European Union takes place in rural areas. However, not all tourism in rural areas is necessarily considered to constitute rural tourism. Rural tourism, whose origins lie in agritourism and farm stays, is typically built on experiences that are specific to the countryside, often includes physical activities connected with nature, is usually small in scale and involves a large number of small private businesses. It can bring numerous benefits to local communities, in ...

EL pakub kohalikele ja piirkondlikele omavalitsustele, valitsusvälistele organisatsioonidele, ettevõtjatele, spetsialistidele ja kodanikele mitmete fondide kaudu rahalist toetust. Selles Euroopa Parlamendi uuringuteenuste koostatud juhendis antakse hõlpsasti kättesaadavat teavet kõigi ELi rahastamisallikate kohta, mis on mugavalt tegevusvaldkondade kaupa rühmitatud.

'This is Europe' – an initiative proposed by the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola – consists of a series of debates with EU leaders to discuss their visions for the future of the European Union. On 22 June, the Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, was the third EU leader to address the Parliament since its Conference of Presidents endorsed the initiative on 28 April. Mr Plenković considered Croatia to be at the centre of EU integration and expressed his support for more ...

'This is Europe' – an initiative proposed by the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola – consists of a series of debates with EU leaders to discuss their visions for the future of the European Union. Following the first speech in this series by the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, on 3 May 2022, the Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister), Micheál Martin, was the second EU leader to address the Parliament, on 8 June.1 Mr Martin suggested numerous ways to strengthen and further develop ...

This study seeks to present a comprehensive overview of non-legislative resolutions adopted by the Parliament between July 2019 and December 2021 on the basis of own-initiative reports, in the light of the response provided by the Commission, the subsequent follow-up documents and related actions undertaken by the Commission up to 31 January 2022. The publication is part of Parliament’s Strategic Execution Framework (2019-2021). The aim of this joint DG PRES and DG EPRS project on 'Improved reporting ...