Evénements passés

ICM Rule of law poster
Autres événements LIBE

On 12 December 2024, members from EU national parliaments will join the LIBE Committee to address key issues surrounding the Rule of Law across Europe, in the context of the Inter-parliamentary meeting on the Situation of the Rule of Law in the EU.

Profile of a woman
Auditions FEMM

On Thursday, 12 December 2024, the FEMM Committee will hold a hearing on “Securing Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in the Digital Sphere”.

EPRS roundtable on 10 December
Policy Roundtables and Book Talks EPRS

This event will be held in the Library of the European Parliament in Brussels, which is located on the fifth floor (5D) of the Spinelli building. The registration is over. But if you have an access badge (official, not external) from the EP or any EU institutions, or an accreditation from the European Parliament, you can attend the event in presence. You can also attend the event live on Webex (see link below).

An image of people holding hands
Autres événements FEMM

The fifth edition of the European Gender Equality Week took place from 9 to 13 December 2024, encompassing events organised by different Parliament’s bodies, including committees and delegations, addressing gender equality issues within their areas of competence.

Marine Research Vessel at Sunset Sailing on Tranquil Ocean Waters
Auditions PECH

On Thursday, 5 December 2024, the Committee on Fisheries hold a public hearing entitled “How scientific advice is developed for EU Fisheries Policy decisions". This public hearing aims to get a closer insight at how the collection, evaluation and assessment of fisheries data is organised and how the scientific advice leads to political decisions on EU fisheries management, in particular regarding the establishment of fishing opportunities and technical measures.

Big fishing boats moored in the port of a coastal town
Autres événements PECH

On Wednesday, 4 December 2024, during the PECH Committee meeting, the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies hold a workshop entitled "The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27".

refugee camp, Tigray (Ethiopia)
Auditions DROI

On 4 December, the Subcommittee on Human Rights will hold a hearing on the Rights of the Child in the EU external policy on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


En vertu de l'article 193 du règlement, une commission peut organiser une audition d'experts lorsqu'elle estime que celle-ci est indispensable pour ses travaux sur une question déterminée. Les auditions peuvent aussi être menées conjointement par deux commissions ou plus. La plupart des commissions organisent régulièrement des auditions, qui leur permettent de connaître les points de vue d'experts et de débattre sur les thèmes majeurs. Vous trouverez sur la présente page tous les renseignements disponibles au sujet des auditions organisées par les commissions, notamment les programmes, les affiches et les interventions des orateurs.


Les ateliers sont organisés par les départements thématiques et l’unité de la prospective scientifique (STOA), et gérés conformément au règlement financier. Ils ne sont pas nécessairement publics mais peuvent se tenir lors des réunions de commission.

Tables rondes thématiques et discussions autour d’un livre organisés par l’EPRS

Tables rondes thématiques et discussions autour d’un livre organisés par l’EPRS

Autres événements

Tout autre événement lié aux politiques de l'Union.