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Dark patterns are deceptive techniques used by online platforms to manipulate users' behaviour, often without their knowledge or consent. The EU regulatory framework against dark patterns is fragmented and lacks a unified legal definition. This can lead to legal uncertainty and inconsistent enforcement. Stakeholders and academics are calling for clearer definitions, stronger safeguards, and more effective enforcement of existing laws.

EU Cyber Resilience Act

Briefing 20-12-2024

New technologies come with new risks, and the impact of cyber-attacks through digital products has increased dramatically in recent years. Consumers are increasingly falling victim to security flaws linked to digital products such as baby monitors, robo-vacuum cleaners, Wi-Fi routers and alarm systems. For businesses, the importance of ensuring that digital products in the supply chain are secure has become pivotal, considering three in five vendors have already lost money as a result of product ...

Toy safety regulation

Briefing 09-12-2024

On 28 July 2023, the European Commission adopted a proposal to revise EU toy safety legislation, by introducing a new regulation and repealing Directive 2009/48/EC. The proposal pursues two main objectives: a higher level of child protection, including from the most harmful substances; and fewer non-compliant and unsafe toys on the EU market. In relation to the first objective, the proposal extends the definition of health to children's psychological and mental health and to their wellbeing and cognitive ...

The governance of the internet has been a topic of debate since its creation. The internet is not governed by a centralised entity, but rather by a decentralised patchwork of stakeholders, including national governments, the private sector, the technical community and civil society. They work together in various internet governance bodies, such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Several United Nations specialised agencies ...

Enforcement of the Digital Services Act at national level is still very limited owing to delayed implementation. The European Commission has therefore begun infringement procedures against several Member States. At European level, the Commission has started formal proceedings against five very large platforms and has found, on a preliminary basis, that the platform X does not comply with the act. The other investigations are still ongoing.

This is the third edition of a study on the European Commission's follow-up to European Parliament requests as expressed in non-legislative resolutions based either on ordinary own-initiative reports (INIs) or on Article 225 TFEU legislative-initiative reports (INLs). Analysing the Commission's replies in formal follow-up documents (for INIs) and in letters in reply to legislative-initiative reports (INL), this joint DG PRES and DG EPRS project seeks to support the European Parliament's scrutiny ...

Standards are voluntary guidelines, providing technical specifications for products, processes and services. They ensure a certain level of quality, enable interoperability, boost consumer confidence and remove trade barriers. Laws may prescribe standards as a preferred or mandatory requirement for compliance. In the digital sphere, their strategic importance has made them the focus of geopolitical competition.

Often considered the 'cornerstone' of European integration, the single market now serves 449 million consumers and 31 million active companies, most of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It has delivered substantial economic benefits, ranging between 8 % and 9 % of European Union gross domestic product (GDP). Trade between Member States has risen steadily over the years, and today accounts for an estimated 56 million European jobs. The EU is among the largest trading blocs in the ...

Le nouveau corpus réglementaire de l’UE en matière de sécurité des produits prescrit des obligations aux opérateurs économiques (c’est-à-dire les fabricants, les importateurs et les distributeurs) qui importent des produits depuis des pays tiers, ainsi que des règles spécifiques pour les places de marché en ligne. Cette législation a été adoptée le 10 mai 2023 et sera applicable à partir du 13 décembre 2024. Au cours de la période de session d’octobre II, le Parlement débattra d’une déclaration de ...

Before being nominated as Commissioner-designate, Stéphane Séjourné had been serving as French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs since January 2024. In July 2024, he was elected to the French Parliament for the ninth constituency of Hauts-de-Seine (Boulogne-Billancourt). He has also been secretary-general of the Renaissance party since 2022. From 2019 to 2024, Séjourné was a Member of the European Parliament, and President of the Renew Europe group (2021-2024). Before that, he was a political ...