Review clauses in EU legislation adopted during the second half of the ninth parliamentary term (January 2022-September 2024) - A Rolling Check-List
Reviews of existing legislation provide an evidence-based assessment of the performance of policies and legislation. Review findings support political decision-making and inform the design of possible future revisions. The systematic review of legislation has become a key policy-making tool at the EU level, most notably in the context of the EU's better regulation agenda. This rolling check-list has been published periodically since 2014. It contributes to the European Parliament's scrutiny of the ...
Towards a Climate and Energy Union - The constitutional basis for a sustainable transformation
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, considers the legal space for an EU Climate and Energy Union. It assesses the major limits at the EU and national level, as well as the question if (informal) Treaty change is possible and necessary to create the space needed. It also assesses if an individual right to clean energy exists, or can and should be legally construed. It pays special ...
CRR/CRD: The delegated act on the date of application of the own funds requirements for market
The CRR 3/CRD 6 package constitutes the final phase in the implementation of the internationally agreed finalised Basel 3 prudential requirements for banks into the EU financial services acquis. In particular, the CRR 3 introduces the revised market risk requirements as binding own fund requirements. These requirements were introduced in the CRR 2 only as reporting requirements. However, at the time of the adoption of the CRR 3 it was not clear how and whether other major jurisdictions will apply ...
EU Mapping: Overview of Internal Market and Consumer Protection related legislation
This paper provides a graphic overview on core legislation in the area of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. The presentation essentially covers the areas within the responsibility of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection, but also displays neighbouring areas of other Committees' competences which are closely connected to and impacting on IMCO's work. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies and the Secretariat ...
Impact assessment and European added value work during the ninth legislative term, 2019 - 2024
Better law-making has grown significantly in importance in recent years. As a methodology, its purpose is to design and to decide on regulation that is fit for purpose. This is achieved through a set of measures applied at all stages of the policy cycle, starting from agenda-setting, policy design and consultation, through to the actual moment of decision-making by the co-legislators. It also includes the phase of ex-post evaluation, when, after a period of transposition and implementation, the laws ...
Research for REGI committee - Absorption Rates of Cohesion Policy Funds Final Study
This study analyses the absorption rates of the EU Cohesion Policy funds in 2014-2020 over time across funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, and REACT-EU), and across Member States and regions. It also provides a comparison with 2007-2013 absorption. A summary of absorption drivers, obstacles and undertaken solutions is presented based on the relevant literature and the findings of case studies. Conclusions and recommendations on improving the absorption of funds are set out.
Research for REGI committee - Absorption Rates of Cohesion Policy Funds
This study analyses the absorption rates of the EU Cohesion Policy funds in 2014-2020 over time across funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, and REACT-EU), and across Member States and regions. It also provides a comparison with 2007-2013 absorption. A summary of absorption drivers, obstacles and undertaken solutions is presented based on the relevant literature and the findings of case studies. Conclusions and recommendations on improving the absorption of funds are set out.
Corporate Social Responsibility
European Parliament has been an active agenda-setter and initiator of several calls to regulate corporate social responsibility (CSR). On 10 March 2021, Parliament called the Commission to prescribe sustainability duties for companies established in the European Union or governed by EU law. Building on Parliament’s resolution, in February 2023 the Commission published a legislative proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence. On 19 March 2024, the JURI Committee adopted the ...
Implications of the Digital Transformation on Different Social Groups
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, analyses the impact of digitalization on vulnerable social groups in terms of lower income and education, age, people affected by disabilities, minority ethnic groups and people living in remote/isolated geographic areas. It includes a review of the relevant academic literature, secondary data analysis, as well as three case studies focused ...
Revision of Directive 2009/38/EC on European works councils
The EU internal market has, over the years, led to a 'transnationalisation' of companies and groups of companies, i.e. the expansion of their operations to multiple EU Member States. However, procedures for informing and consulting employees in the Member States are often not geared towards the transnational structure of the company that takes the decisions affecting those employees. This may lead to the unequal treatment of employees affected by decisions in the same undertaking or group of undertakings ...