Cost of non-Europe in health policy
Avoidable deaths in the EU
The European Union stepped up its action in the area of health – a shared competence between the EU and its Member States – in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Yet, the EU lacks a joint health policy that recognises health as a public good. This study investigates three areas where there is high added-value potential from a joint EU health policy: research and development; the availability of prescription medicines; and preventive healthcare. EU action in these areas could generate benefits for the economy (in particular the EU's health industries), society (through improved health and quality of life for patients and less absenteeism for employers) and fundamental rights (the right to timely access to healthcare). The EU could also help to reduce the carbon and environmental footprint of the healthcare sector. An EU health policy that speaks with one voice is especially advantageous in light of the ageing population, digitalisation and rapid technological change.