Impact assessment and European added value work during the ninth legislative term, 2019 - 2024

Briefing 17-07-2024

Better law-making has grown significantly in importance in recent years. As a methodology, its purpose is to design and to decide on regulation that is fit for purpose. This is achieved through a set of measures applied at all stages of the policy cycle, starting from agenda-setting, policy design and consultation, through to the actual moment of decision-making by the co-legislators. It also includes the phase of ex-post evaluation, when, after a period of transposition and implementation, the laws and regulations are evaluated to determine whether they have fulfilled their purpose or if they require adaptation to respond more effectively to evolving needs. Responsibility for better law-making is shared between the European Union (EU) institutions. At European level, an Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making that came into force in April 2016 provides the regulatory framework for the joint efforts of the EU institutions to boost evidence-based policy-making throughout the regulatory process and beyond. The aim is to generate European legislation of the highest possible quality for the benefit of European citizens now and in the future.