Human rights and democracy in the world: Assessing EU action in 2023
The latest annual report from the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on EU external action to promote human rights and democracy covers 2023. It highlights a worsening environment marked by multiple crises and conflicts, growing social inequalities, and increasing pressure on multilateral governance and rules-based international cooperation. During its April plenary session, the European Parliament is due to vote on its own yearly resolution on human rights and democracy ...
El principio de protección del Medio Ambiente, una perspectiva de Derecho Comparado: España
Este documento se integra en una serie de estudios que, desde una perpectiva de Derecho Comparado, tienen como objeto analizar el principio de protección del Medio Ambiente en diferentes ordenamientos jurídicos. Tras la explicación de la normativa y la jurisprudencia de aplicación, se examinan el contenido, los límites y la posible evolución de dicho concepto. El presente estudio tiene por objeto el caso de España. El análisis parte de la consagración constitucional del principio de protección del ...
Le principe de protection de l'environnement, une perspective de droit comparé: Union européenne
Ce document s’intègre dans une série d’études qui, avec une perspective de droit comparé, visent à faire une présentation du principe de protection de l'environnement dans différents ordres juridiques. Après avoir expliqué le droit positif et la jurisprudence d’application, le contenu, les limites et la possible évolution de ce principe sont examinés. La présente étude a pour objet le cas de l’Union européenne. Le principe est garanti par une série de dispositions des traités et l’article 37 de la ...
Commitments made at the confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate 2024-2029
Commitments made at the confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate 2024-2029
Ten issues to watch in 2025
This is the ninth edition of an annual EPRS publication aimed at identifying and framing some of the key issues and policy areas that have the potential to feature prominently in public debate and on the political agenda of the European Union over the coming year. The topics analysed encompass economic productivity, the 2040 climate target, economic security, investment capacity, the EU's future finances, electric vehicles, competitiveness in artificial intelligence, European defence, migrant return ...
Towards a Climate and Energy Union - The constitutional basis for a sustainable transformation
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, considers the legal space for an EU Climate and Energy Union. It assesses the major limits at the EU and national level, as well as the question if (informal) Treaty change is possible and necessary to create the space needed. It also assesses if an individual right to clean energy exists, or can and should be legally construed. It pays special ...
Laureates of the 2024 Sakharov Prize: María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia, fighting for democracy in Venezuela
Respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights is a core value of the European Union (EU), and one that is promoted through its policies. The European Parliament's Sakharov Prize honours the work of people who stand up for these freedoms and rights. This year's Sakharov Prize is to be awarded to María Corina Machado, leader of Venezuela's democratic forces, and President-elect Edmundo González Urrutia. They represent all Venezuelans both inside and outside the country who are fighting to restore ...
Accelerating progress on Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5): Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls
Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5) – 'achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls' – is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations (UN) that is very likely to be missed by the target date of 2030. This undermines the rest of the goals. The inclusion in the SDGs of a standalone goal on gender equality was seen as a spur to mobilise action and resources to tackle persistent barriers to women and girls' full enjoyment of their rights, which also undermine ...
Women's rights in Afghanistan: An ongoing battle
Since the Taliban regime overtook the country in mid-August 2021, Afghanistan's record on women's rights has been one of the worst, if not the worst, in the world. Despite promises to 'uphold women's rights in line with Sharia law', the Taliban have suppressed the rights of their citizens, with women the main target of restrictions. As well as prohibiting women and girls from travelling without a male relative, the Taliban have denied them post-primary education, banned them from numerous public ...
Il-Politika dwar l-Ażil
L-għan tal-politika dwar l-ażil tal-UE huwa li toffri status xieraq lil kwalunkwe persuna li mhijiex ċittadina tal-UE li teħtieġ protezzjoni internazzjonali f’wieħed mill-Istati Membri u li tiżgura konformità mal-prinċipju ta’ non-refoulement[1]. Għal dan il-għan, l-UE qed taħdem bla heda biex tiżviluppa Sistema Ewropea Komuni tal-Ażil.