Clean tech in the energy sector
Clean technologies are at the forefront of the EU's ambition to pursue both decarbonisation and industrial competitiveness. The global clean tech market is expected to triple by 2035, covering sectors such as solar, wind, batteries, heat pumps and electrolysers for the production of hydrogen. While the roll-out of clean technologies is increasing in the EU, its global market share is falling and manufacturing is lagging behind. This is due to a combination of factors, such as high energy prices, ...
Konferencja COP 16 w sprawie pustynnienia: wyniki
Podczas sesji styczniowej Parlament ma przeprowadzić debatę nad oświadczeniem Komisji dotyczącym 16. konferencji stron (COP 16) Konwencji Narodów Zjednoczonych w sprawie zwalczania pustynnienia (UNCCD). Konferencja zakończyła się w Rijadzie (Arabia Saudyjska) 13 grudnia 2024 r., po dwóch tygodniach negocjacji. Ważnym osiągnięciem konferencji było zobowiązanie się uczestników do finansowego wspierania inicjatyw na rzecz rekultywacji gruntów i odporności na susze. Nie udało się jednak ustanowić prawnie ...
Stawianie czoła wyzwaniom demograficznym w UE: stosowanie zestawu narzędzi demograficznych z 2023 r.
Społeczeństwo UE starzeje się i będzie się kurczyć. Malejąca liczba ludności w wieku produkcyjnym stwarza ryzyko związane z większymi niedoborami siły roboczej, nasiloną presją na budżety publiczne, pogłębianiem się dysproporcji terytorialnych i wyludnianiem. Zjawiska te mogą mieć negatywny wpływ na konkurencyjność UE, spowolnić transformację ekologiczną i cyfrową oraz osłabić spójność społeczną. Chociaż zarządzanie przejściem demograficznym leży w gestii państw członkowskich, stało się również jednym ...
The facilitation of irregular migration by criminal networks
Migrant smuggling is a key activity for criminal networks operating in the EU, sustained by continued demand for facilitation services. Geopolitical and socioeconomic instability worldwide, as well as climate change, are expected to keep driving migratory movements. Migrant smuggling is a high-profit, low-risk business, and the criminal groups involved are increasingly sophisticated, professional and violent. Many of those who willingly pay smugglers to help them cross borders do so at great personal ...
Harmonisation of insolvency laws: Economic perspectives
Insolvency laws are the rules governing the legal proceedings applicable to companies unable to repay debts as they fall due. The convergence of non-financial companies' insolvency laws across the Member States is high on the EU's policy agenda: the two reports requested from former Italian prime ministers Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi both emphasised the importance of the convergence of insolvency laws for the defragmentation and proper functioning of EU capital markets. This would help unlock capital ...
Benefit of an EU strategic innovation agenda - Cost of non Europe
For the European Union to compete globally while continuing to ensure progress in environmental, social and fundamental rights, more strategic and collective action is imperative. In a world where some leading global businesses have a market capitalisation of more than €3 trillion, an integrated economic, financial and fiscal policy framework is needed to encourage innovation and growth, including for successful SMEs. As the recent Letta and Draghi reports highlight, this requires clear political ...
Urban agriculture: State of play
Urban agriculture is the practice of producing, processing and distributing food within cities and built-up peri-urban areas. A growing phenomenon worldwide in recent decades, it encompasses a wide range of food production activities, but also includes urban greening and delivers social, educational and recreational benefits. Despite growing interest and the rise of projects and networks across cities, urban agriculture remains largely confined to local or regional levels, with limited coverage in ...
How to achieve CMU, after all? An analysis of the recommendations for Capital Markets Union in the Draghi, Letta and Noyer reports
The three reports by Draghi, Letta and Noyer remind policy makers that capital markets channelling savings into investments is key to competitiveness and economic growth. The recommendations of these reports could give new impetus to the long-standing flagship policy of CMU. In this briefing we show how securitisation, supervision, market infrastructure and savings/pensions schemes are identified as priorities in all three reports, however with different conclusions. We also discuss all other CMU ...
Baltic Sea fishing area: Current challenges
The Baltic has several unique features, comprising a mixture of saline and fresh water and a shallow depth, enabling a broad variety of habitats. Its fish species are rather limited in number, with the bulk of fish stocks spread among cod, herring and sprat. The sea's characteristics make it particularly vulnerable to environmental changes and many habitats and species of the Baltic Sea are not in good condition. The environmental deterioration is caused by several factors, including excessive nutrient ...
Taxation's impact on gender equality in the EU
Equality between men and women is one of the key foundational principles of the European Union. Despite much progress, however, significant gaps persist between men and women regarding employment opportunities and income levels. Taxation can either mitigate or exacerbate these gender inequalities. On 13 January 2025, the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC) is due to hold a public hearing on the topic.