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Our infographic provides an overview of the EAC countries’ economic and trade relations with the EU. All eight EAC states have experienced a relatively consistent increase in their GDP per capita (PPP) since 2007. All eight countries are in the lower half of the Human Development Index ranking. EU trade in goods (imports and exports) with the EAC has risen steadily comparatively to 2007 volumes. The EU's leading trading partner for goods with the EAC is the Netherlands, while the primary partner ...

A sharp deterioration in the population's health, as well as in healthcare systems, is often the consequence of armed conflicts, natural hazards or human-made disasters, of which there have been many in recent times. The European Union (EU), a significant global humanitarian player, views health as an essential part of its assistance.

The European Union’s policies influence third country trading partners’ domestic policy in different ways. Unilateral legislation in the green and digital fields, for example, contribute to setting global standards as traders must comply with EU requirements to access the Single market. The digital transition cooperation between Africa and the EU could lead to further regulatory convergence in the digital field. The EU's human-centric approach to digital policy, fostering consumer protection and ...

EU missions and operations abroad

Briefing 24-10-2024

Military operations and missions, and civilian missions, are an essential component of the EU's common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and, in particular, of its common security and defence policy (CSDP). In an extremely volatile security and geopolitical environment, both at its eastern and southern borders and further afield, the EU has always sought, when launching its operations and missions abroad, to help countries and regions in crisis to restore peace, security and development. This is ...

Our infographic shows the overview of the BRICS+ countries’ economic and trade relations with the EU. All 9 BRICS+ states have experienced a relatively consistent increase in their GDP per capita (PPP) since 2007. Female labour force participation rates vary significantly from country to country. At the extremes are Iran with 14.4, and Ethiopia, with 74.8%. EU trade in goods (imports and exports) with the BRICS+ countries has risen steadily comparatively to 2007 volumes. The BRICS+ group is now the ...

Conflict is rarely confined to the geographical space in which wars take place. The increasingly global effects – human, material and political – of wars and conflicts make a view of the level of threats to peace, security and democracy around the world more important than ever. The 'Normandy Index' has presented an annual measurement of these threats since the 2019 Normandy Peace Forum. The results of the 2024 exercise suggest the level of threats to peace is the highest since the Index began, confirming ...

Good health and well-being is a key indicator and a precondition for sustainable development, allowing people to enjoy fulfilling lives, receive education and be productive members of society. In contrast, the burden of disease has high economic, social and individual costs. Therefore, achieving the highest attainable level of health is of interest for all. However, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing crises, progress towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) 3 ('ensure healthy ...

The EU Global Gateway, a €300 billion infrastructure investment strategy launched in December 2021, seeks to build sustainable and secure connections in the digital, energy and transport sectors and boost Europe's competitiveness and supply chain security across the world. What might the strategy look like in future? This paper presents four possible scenarios for the Global Gateway in 2030, based on survey responses from 30 policy experts: 'optimal gateway', 'failed gateway', 'corporate gateway' ...

On 10 April 2024, the European Parliament gave its consent to the conclusion of a new partnership agreement between the EU, its Member States and member states of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). The 15 November 2023 signing ceremony took place in Apia, capital of the Pacific island country of Samoa. The agreement is therefore referred to as the 'Samoa Agreement'. Owing to the multiple negotiation levels, the COVID-19 crisis and difficulties in agreeing sensitive ...

On 4 March 2024, the Council adopted a decision to conclude the first-ever sustainable investment facilitation agreement between the EU and a third country, Angola. The aim is to make investment easier and more sustainable by promoting transparency, streamlining procedures and encouraging responsible business practices.