
Rezultati iskanja

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Austria's national recovery and resilience plan (NRRP) was updated on 9 November 2023 with the introduction of a REPowerEU chapter. The plan now totals €4 187 million, of which €3 961million are financed through Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) grants. The difference is financed through national resources. To implement the plan, Austria is leveraging further amounts beyond EU support from the national budget. Austria has requested the maximum amount of grants available (non-repayable support ...

The provisional agenda for the 17-18 October European Council meeting has three main topics. First, EU Heads of State or Government will address Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, and the EU's support to Ukraine and its people. Second, they will consider the situation in the Middle East, amid concerns over regional escalation following Israel's targeting of Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran's missile strikes on Israel. Third, EU leaders will discuss competitiveness, with a first exchange on ...

Okvir EU za fiskalno politiko

Kratki vodnik po EU 11-09-2024

Če naj bo ekonomska in monetarna unija stabilna, je potreben trden okvir, da se v največji možni meri prepreči nevzdržnost javnih financ. Konec leta 2011 je začela veljati reforma (del „šesterčka“), ki spreminja Pakt za stabilnost in rast. Na začetku leta 2013 je nato začela veljati še ena reforma na tem področju, tj. medvladna Pogodba o stabilnosti, usklajevanju in upravljanju v ekonomski in monetarni uniji, vključno s fiskalnim dogovorom. Maja 2013 je začela veljati še uredba o ocenjevanju nacionalnih ...

Ekonomsko upravljanje

Kratki vodnik po EU 04-09-2024

Pojem „ekonomsko upravljanje“ se nanaša na sistem institucij in postopkov, ki so bili vzpostavljeni za doseganje gospodarskih ciljev EU, in sicer za spodbujanje ekonomskega in socialnega napredka za EU in njene državljane. Prejšnji sistem gospodarskega in davčnega usklajevanja se je izkazal za neustreznega glede na finančno, davčno in gospodarsko krizo, ki se je začela leta 2008. Izboljšave ekonomskega upravljanja EU vključujejo boljše usklajevanje in nadzor fiskalnih in makroekonomskih politik ter ...

Zgodovina ekonomske in monetarne unije

Kratki vodnik po EU 31-05-2024

Ekonomska in monetarna unija (EMU) je rezultat gospodarskega povezovanja v EU. Skupna valuta (evro) je bila uvedena v evro območju, ki trenutno vključuje 20 držav članic EU. Evro morajo sprejeti vse države članice EU, ko izpolnjujejo konvergenčna merila, z izjemo Danske. Enotno monetarno politiko določa Evrosistem, ki ga sestavljajo izvršilni odbor Evropske centralne banke in guvernerji centralnih bank evroobmočja.

This document provides an overview of Economic Dialogues with the other institutions of the European Union that has taken place in the competent committee(s) of the European Parliament since September 2019 under the European Semester for economic policy coordination. It also lists the Recovery and Resilience Dialogues with the European Commission as undertaken by the competent committee(s) since the entry of force of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in 2021. It also includes an overview of the ...

This note looks at the 2024 recommendation on the economic policies of the euro area proposed by the Commission and agreed by the Council. The note provides a review of the euro area recommendations from an institutional perspective and includes broad comparisons to earlier recommendations, in order to illustrate how policy concerns have evolved over time. This note will be updated in light of relevant developments.

This note provides an overview of the implementation of the 2023 Recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area proposed by the Commission and agreed by the Council. It makes use of public information and proxies such as on how the Eurogroup has integrated euro area recommendations’ concerns in their “thematic discussions” and work programmes. This note will be updated in light of relevant developments.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, examines the fiscal responses of the EU to the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. It claims that the law & policy tools developed to address these crises have led to the establishment, and consolidation, of an EU fiscal capacity – contributing to overcoming the original imbalance of the EU’s Economic & Monetary Union. Nevertheless, the ...

Although the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) pursues a range of aims, the two main ones are the lowering of inflation by removing purchasing power from the US economy, and to provide the United State's contribution to fighting climate change. Unlike similar EU measures, most of its climate support is done via tax subsidies. Although hailed in the EU for heralding a new era in US climate policy, the IRA is being criticised for its outright 'Buy American' provisions. Amongst others, it is feared that ...