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Globala utmaningar som klimatförändringar, geopolitiska konflikter, urholkning av demokratiska principer och sociala orättvisor, påverkar människors vardagsliv och framtidsutsikter. Ett gemensamt EU-svar under de närmaste tio åren skulle kunna bidra till att hantera dessa utmaningar – och generera vinster på upp till 3 biljoner euro per år. Det är runt 18 % av EU:s bruttonationalprodukt (BNP), eller motsvarande 6 700 euro per invånare varje år. Utifrån Europaparlamentets arbete under valperioden ...

This European added value assessment (EAVA) supports the European Parliament's legislative initiative 2023/2051(INL) entitled 'EU framework for the social and professional situation of artists and workers in the cultural and creative sectors'. Reviewing the existing legal framework and identifying the gaps, the study explores possible policy options to tackle the problems and looks at why EU action is needed. It analyses the potential impacts of the policy options, also conducting a qualitative and ...

This study has been drawn up by the European Added Value Unit within the European Parliament's Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services. It is part of a research project to better define the concepts of the cost of non-Europe and of European added value. The study recounts the development of these concepts and specifically how they have been used to support the European Parliament's work in setting the legislative agenda. It also presents their theoretical underpinnings and the main ...