Eventbrite Security & Safety Guide

PCI Compliant
Eventbrite complies with PCI-DSS 3.2.1 Level 1 as both a Merchant and a Service Provider.
- Registered with both Visa and MasterCard as a PCI-compliant Service Provider.
- Regularly audited by a Qualified Security Assessor (Coalfire, Inc.)
- Passes internal and external application and network penetration testing performed by independent security firms.
- Scanned monthly by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV).
- PCI Attestation of Compliance (AOC) is available for download.
- Eventbrite employs a cross-functional team responsible for oversight of PCI Compliance.
SOC Compliant

- Eventbrite Systems and Organisation Controls (SOC) Reports are independent third-party examination reports that demonstrate how Eventbrite achieves key compliance controls and objectives.
- Eventbrite SOC 3 Security, Availability & Confidentiality Report, available for Download.
Compliance Documents
The following documents are available to the public. Applicability to your environment needs to be assessed / approved by your auditors.
Eventbrite maintains a comprehensive privacy programme. To us, this means that although we are required by law or regulation to do certain things, we are continually evaluating whether we can and should do more.
- We do not sell the personal information of our customers to third parties.
- We have a full time legal and security team focused on privacy and security issues.
- We participate in and comply with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework. You can find out more about our commitment to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework in our EU-US Privacy Shield Notice.
- You can find our privacy policy at: eventbrite.ie/privacypolicy.
Hosting Environment
Amazon EC2 hosts Eventbrite's production systems.
- PCI-DSS Level 1 Service Provider
- ISO 27001 certified
- Independently verified and audited
- SAS-70 Type II and SSAE16
- Amazon AWS PCI Compliance site
Web and Mobile Application Development
Eventbrite is committed to designing, building and maintaining secure systems.
- All applications are regularly scanned for common security vulnerabilities including the OWASP Top Ten.
- Regular training on Secure Coding Practices is provided. All engineers must attend training sessions.
- No credit card information is permitted to be stored on any mobile device.
- Use of encryption for both storage and transmission of sensitive information is regularly audited by the Eventbrite Security Team.
- All web and mobile applications are primarily developed, tested, deployed, and maintained by a full-time, in-house engineering team.
Eventbrite uses strong encryption methods and key management procedures to ensure your sensitive information is protected.
- All credit card information is encrypted with strong industry-standard cryptographic protocols such as AES and TLS while in transit through our systems.
- Eventbrite's website and APIs are accessible via a 256-bit SSL certificate issued by Digicert.
- Credit card information is never stored after transaction authorisation.
- Access to encryption keys is held by the smallest number of Eventbrite employees possible.
Our Organisation
Eventbrite has taken appropriate measures to vet our employees.
- All employees are subject to reference, education and other personnel checks. Certain employees are also subject to detailed background checks.
- Eventbrite maintains an information security training programme that meets PCI-DSS standards and complies with the Massachusetts Privacy Law (201 CMR 17).
- Knowledgeable full-time security personnel are on staff.
- Require written acknowledgement by employees of their roles and responsibilities with respect to protecting user data and privacy.
Incident Response
While we don't anticipate there ever being a breach of our systems, we know that no computer system is perfectly secure.
- In the event of a breach of an Eventbrite information system, we have a detailed Incident Response plan in place.
- Periodic testing of the response plan.
- Eventbrite has 24x7 monitoring of its security systems and alerts.
Research and Disclosure
If you discover a vulnerability with Eventbrite's information systems, report it to us first!
- Do not attempt to harm Eventbrite, its users, or customer's data.
- Allow reasonable time for Eventbrite to resolve the issue before publishing findings publicly.
- Report details to security@eventbrite.com.
- Check for eligibility on the Security Reporting FAQ
- Include full details and steps to reproduce.
- Recognition by listing on the Eventbrite Security Wall of Fame
- If you wish to encrypt your email, use Eventbrite Security's GPG Key:
Key ID: 351AC626 Key Type: RSA Key Size: 4096 Fingertprint: 1809 8001 2CFF E338 E92D 8723 9CA7 08B5 351A C626 Email: security@eventbrite.com -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- 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 =j7+z -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----