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Karma Yoga : Yoga in Action

Lord Krishna is quoted in the Bhagavad Gita saying: "Perform your responsibility without any worry about the results'. Certain individuals mistake Karma Yoga for a charitable effort or social work. "Karma" signifies activity, so Karma Yoga is the Yoga of Action or obligation. In this meaning of Karma Yoga, there are 4 fundamental words: duty, self-image/ego, connection, and expecting a positive remuneration.

To comprehend the standards of Karma Yoga, understanding these 4 principles is fundamental. Everyone has obligations throughout everyday life. A few duties are given to us, we don't have a choice in that, for instance, our duty as a resident, as a citizen, as a child/girl, as a sibling/sister, and so on.

There are duties we are allowed to choose ourselves, for instance, our obligation as a business, as a spouse/wife, as a companion, and so on. In Karma Yoga it is critical to focus on our duties; to know what is generally significant and which obligation we ought to give more significance over others.

It is essential to understand that the most noteworthy duty one can have is the obligation towards themselves. This implies that we ought to initially deal with ourselves, and do what is great for ourselves, and afterwards no one but we can do what is great for other people. Imagine a situation where you are so sick that you are bedridden.

You ought to rest so you get better soon, however late in the evening, you get a call from a companion saying he feels forlorn and he needs your organization. Even though it is your obligation as a companion to help friends, around then it is more vital to deal with yourself and to get better before you can help your friend.


Ego is every one of the thoughts one has about themselves or others. It incorporates our preferences, despises, wants, and so on. With each activity we do we will more often than not contemplate the ramifications for ourselves; how it can influence us, our self-image, and so on. Karma Yoga is tied in with carrying out our duties without attaching ourselves to anything.

The fundamental reason for Karma Yoga is to control and in the end let go of our self-image/ego. Practicing Karma Yoga implies carrying out our duties without developing any sort of attachment. Regardless of whether we are fond of our duties, we do our best. We carry out our responsibility with next to no attachment for instance on the off chance that one is an educator, they don't educate one child better than the other one based on their bias. One generally plays out their obligation with next to no sort of attachment to the process or consequences.


Q1. What are the benefits of Karma Yoga?

Karma yoga has many advantages. A portion of these should be visible promptly however some can only be observed after years of practice- The primary advantage of Karma Yoga is that it helps with eradicating Ego. When you practice Karma Yoga, you perform your responsibility without an ego.

You do what should be finished, not what you might want to do. At the point when you quit including ego in your daily lifestyle, gradually your ago starts to decrease. Your needs become clear. You begin to figure out your jobs and obligations. You complete them without connection and individual longing.

Q2.  How to practice true Karma Yoga?

All of us can practise Karma yoga. To include Karma Yoga in our daily routine, one should follow these steps;

Make a rundown of all duties/jobs you have in your life. There may be a job in it which you don't want to do but you should think and list every one of the jobs you have.

Focus on them according to their priority level. Figure out the significance of your role in them.

Begin to satisfy them on a regular schedule. There will be a few obligations or jobs which you can't satisfy due to reasons unchangeable as far as you might be concerned.