Transform your career with VŠE’s new IT management MBA program
Program to be taught in English, offering international professionals the chance to gain cutting-edge skills and collaborate with global industry leaders.
Factory closures sweep Czechia, putting thousands of jobs at risk
Rising costs, shifting market demands, and pressure from Germany’s economic downturn are forcing major manufacturers to leave Czechia.
Czech salary guide: Do you earn more than the national average for your industry?
With nominal salaries consistently increasing in recent years, we’ve compared a range of Czech industries to see which job roles earn the most – and least.
One in five Czech construction and industry companies plan to dismiss workers
A recent survey found that a similar number of non-profit companies also plan to carry out layoffs in the fall.
A quantum leap: Count on Czechia’s first quantum computer operating in Ostrava next year
The computer will be capable of solving problems far beyond the capabilities of standard supercomputers.
Czech company sews hundreds of Union flags for Charles III coronation
The intricate design of the British flag is one of the reasons why manufacturing the flags took three months.
Czech consumer confidence at lowest level since records began
Data from the Czech Statistical Office shows a decline in several confidence indicators amid growing economic unease.
Who was the Czech Elon Musk? A new exhibit explores the forgotten innovator's villa
Emil Kolben had a lasting impact on Czech industry; an exhibition celebrates the 160th anniversary of his birth.
Prague’s winter heating season started yesterday
Households will continue to receive heat under specific conditions until spring.
Inflation sets a new record in Czech agricultural sector
Producer prices saw big year-on-year jumps in agriculture, industry, and construction.
Czech daily news roundup: Thursday, April 7, 2022
Two 'significant days' passed by Senate, government launches huge military purchase package, Zeman stands by controversial pardon.
Which Czech industries will feel the impacts of the war in Ukraine?
The economic impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will hit the Czech manufacturing and heavy-industrial sectors hardest.
Plight of Czech industry deepens as car production stalls
The Czech Republic’s automotive industry has faced significant difficulties this year, leading to a serious downturn for Czech industry.
Czech morning news roundup: Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Babiš opposes state award for psychiatrist accused of sexual assault, Bohemia Energy CEO apologizes to customers, Czech support for the EU drops.
Activists demand end to coal, begin ten-day protest at Czech environment ministry
Environmental groups say proposed dates set for the end of coal mining in the Czech Republic are insufficient with respect to the Paris climate agreement.