Your Support Changes Lives!

Help us reach more people with the truth of God’s Word and the hope of Jesus Christ!

Why Give?

Your financial support to Family Radio honors God and furthers the growth of His kingdom by helping us:

  • Teach and preach the Word of God in your community and around the world
  • Strengthen the faith of believers over the air, online and through our mobile app
  • Create new ways to reach people both young and old
  • Provide quality and God-honoring music

Loam Media, Inc. is a tax-exempt religious charity under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations to Family Radio are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our EIN number is 94-1442453.

Other Ways to Give

Legacy Gifts

Family Radio endeavors to be careful stewards by planning for the future of the ministry. Did you know that nearly 50% of Americans do not have a current will? There are many reasons why people put off this important responsibility: distaste for legal documents, lack of vision, fear of making a wrong decision, or just plain busyness. Whatever the cause, without a will or trust set up in advance, your hard-earned legacy will be dispersed by a court. But with proper planning, your stewardship of God’s provisions can extend beyond your lifetime to make an eternal difference. There are many ways that you can hand the Gospel to those who come after you:

  • Wills & Bequests
  • Gift Annuities
  • Trusts
  • Other Gift Options (including IRA or stock transfers)

Your financial advisor is the best resource to help you with your questions about leaving a financial legacy gift. If you would like to make an IRA/stock donation by phone, need to change current donation information, or have questions regarding your recurring donation, please call Family Radio at 1-800-543-1495.

Mail Donation

If you prefer to mail a donation, please do not mail cash but checks are gratefully received at the following address:

Family Radio Network, PO Box 305112, Nashville, TN 37230-9933


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