FortiWeb 威胁分析
Fortinet 已推出基于 AI 的威胁分析服务,旨在帮助 SOC 分析师跨整个 Web 应用攻击面,包括受 FortiWeb 和 FortiWeb 云保护的所有 Web 应用,深入了解和观察最重要威胁。
FortiWeb 保护 Web 应用和 API 免受 OWASP 十大安全威胁、 DDoS 攻击和恶意 机器人程序攻击。 机器学习驱动的高级功能可提高安全性,降低管理费用。FortiWeb 优势功能包括异常检测、API 发现和保护、机器人程序缓解和高级威胁分析,可跨所有受保护应用识别最严重威胁。
FortiWeb VM 现已纳入 FortiFlex 计划,助您按需灵活选择服务并弹性管理各项支出。
保护应用程序免受各类已知和零日威胁攻击,既不拦截合法用户,同时避免产生传统应用学习所需的过多管理费用。FortiWeb 基于机器学习对每个应用建模,从而有效识别恶意异常活动,高效拦截各类威胁,消除引发管理费用增加的误报。
防范机器人程序恶意活动的同时,不拦截支持合法业务需求的机器人程序,例如搜索引擎、运行状况检查和性能监控工具。 降低用户对体验感差的过时技术的依赖,并利用机器人程序欺骗、生物特征识别和机器学习等先进技术,准确识别和管理机器人程序流量。FortiWeb 机器人程序缓解功能,为您提供所需的可见性和控制能力,避免因不必要的验证码或挑战而降低用户体验。
保护支持 B2B 通信和移动应用的 API。FortiWeb API 发现和保护功能,基于机器学习算法持续评估应用程序流量,以自动发现 API。FortiWeb 还支持将即装即用型策略与基于组织架构规范(OpenAPI、XML、JSON)自动生成的积极安全模型策略实现集成,有效防止 API 漏洞利用。助您保护 API 的同时,将 API 安全无缝集成至您的 CI/CD 管道。
Web 应用和 API 已成为构建业务关键型应用程序的首选工具,而这些应用程序必须满足不断变化的业务需求。FortiWeb 支持 保护现代网页应用所需的性能、可管理性和广泛的防护功能。
Web 应用保护
高效防御所有 OWASP 十大安全威胁、 分布式拒绝服务(DDOS) 攻击、机器人程序攻击等。
集成 Security Fabric 安全平台
与 FortiGate NGFW 下一代防火墙和 FortiSandbox 集成,高效抵御高级持续性威胁(APT)
利用推荐的 Playbook 和威胁猎捕功能简化工作流程
提供行业领先的受保护 WAF 吞吐量和快速流量加/解密优势
FortiWeb 内置多种 FortiGuard 安全服务,全方位保护 Web 应用程序免受攻击侵袭。年度订阅服务支持单独购买,也可与 FortiWeb 解决方案捆绑购买。
FortiWeb 支持多种型号和规格,满足您对入门级硬件设备以及支持最新云环境的复杂虚拟机的多样化产品需求。
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FortiWeb 设备采用多核处理器技术,结合基于硬件的 SSL 工具,提供超快速受保护 WAF 吞吐量。
吞吐量 |
100 Mbps |
接口 | 4 GE RJ45 |
吞吐量 |
500 Mbps |
接口 | 4 GE RJ45,4 SFP GE |
吞吐量 |
750 Mbps |
接口 | 4 GE RJ45(2 条旁路),4 SFP GE |
吞吐量 |
1 Gbps |
接口 | 4 GE RJ45(2 条旁路),4 SFP GE |
吞吐量 |
2.5 Gbps |
接口 | 8 条旁路,4x SFP GE(非旁路) |
吞吐量 |
5 Gbps |
接口 | 4GE(4 条旁路),4 SFP GE |
吞吐量 |
10 Gbps |
接口 | 8GE(8 条旁路) |
吞吐量 |
70 Gbps |
接口 | 8GE(8 条旁路) |
FortiWeb 虚拟版本可部署至 VMware、Microsoft Hyper-V、Citrix XenServer、Open Source Xen、VirtualBox、KVM 和 Docker 平台。
相关支持版本,请查阅 FortiWeb VM 安装指南。
吞吐量 |
25 Mbps |
vCPU | 1 |
吞吐量 |
100 Mbps |
vCPU | 2 |
吞吐量 |
500 Mbps |
vCPU | 4 |
吞吐量 |
3 Gbps |
vCPU | 8 |
吞吐量 |
6Gbps |
vCPU | 16 |
实际的性能值可能会因网络流量与系统配置而异。使用 Dell PowerEdge R710 服务器(2x Intel Xeon E5504 2.0 GHz 4 MB 高速缓冲内存)运行 VMware ESXi 5.5,4 vCPU 与 8 vCPU FortiWeb 虚拟设备分配 4 GB 的 vRAM,2 vCPU FortiWeb 虚拟设备分配 4 GB 的 vRAM,以查看其性能指标。
实际性能值可能因网络流量和系统配置而异。产品性能指标使用 Dell PowerEdge R710 服务器(2x Intel Xeon E5504 2.0 GHz 4 MB 高速缓冲内存)运行 VMware ESXi 5.5,由搭载 4 vCPU 与 8 vCPU 的 FortiWeb 虚拟设备分配 4 GB vRAM,并由搭载 2 vCPU 的 FortiWeb 虚拟设备分配 4 GB vRAM 获得。
FortiWeb 容器设备支持您高效保护容器化环境中的工作负载和数据。
吞吐量 |
25 Mbps |
吞吐量 |
100 Mbps |
吞吐量 |
500 Mbps |
吞吐量 |
3 Gbps |
Fortinet 致力于助力广大客户赢得商业成功,FortiCare 服务每年赋能成千上万的组织充分利用其 Fortinet 产品和服务投资。为此,FortiCare 基于生命周期理念,为广大客户提供业内独树一帜的卓越安全服务,助力客户持续拥抱成功。
各种基于设备的选项支持高效操作。FortiCare Elite 选项为关键产品提供 15 分钟的响应时间。
整个产品系列均提供 Premium RMA 选项,加急更换有缺陷的硬件,以满足您的可用性目标。
Fortinet AI Threat Analytics Datasheet
FortiWeb Cloud WAF as a Service Datasheet
FortiWeb Cloud WAF as a Service for GCP Datasheet
FortiWeb Cloud WAF as a Service for Azure Datasheet
FortiWeb Cloud WAF as a Service for AWS Datasheet
SANS recently reviewed Fortinet’s FortiWeb Cloud service, which offers a wide range of security capabilities and controls in a brokered model to protect applications from web application attacks, API attacks, malicious bots, and much more.
Discover how your peers are leveraging FortiWeb Cloud
FortiWeb Cloud WAF-as-a-Service by Fortinet, a Web Application Firewall Solution to protect organizations against a broad range of attacks.
Read the eBook to find a WAF to improve security of their organization’s web application needs.
Uncover The Best-Fit Solution For Your Needs
What security practitioners, DevOps, and DevSecOps need to know
Safeguard your dynamic surfaces with security that innovates faster than attackers
Fortinet FortiWeb, in its various forms (hardware, virtual machine, or SaaS), simplifies application security and overcomes the above challenges. Using machine learning (ML) algorithms, it protects applications and APIs from inherent risks, exploitable vulnerabilities, and malicious bots
FortiWeb-Cloud WAF-as-a-Service (WaaS) delivers full-featured, cost-effective security for web applications with a minimum of configuration and management.
In this video, we will cover the different types of reference architectures based on FortiADC and FortiWeb Solutions.
In this video, we will focus on how FortiADC and FortiWeb solutions can integrated with Fortinet Security Fabric. We will be covering different types of Fortinet products that will enhance the application security platform.
FortiWeb WAF's threat analytics feature simplifies threat detection and response and speeds up your WAF alerts security investigation. Using machine learning, attacks are analyzed across all your web applications to identify common characteristics and patterns and group them into meaningful security incidents.
FortiWeb Cloud WAF-as-a-Service protects web applications and APIs from the OWASP Top 10, zero-day threats, and other application-layer attacks. FortiWeb Cloud also includes robust features such as API discovery and protection, bot mitigation, threat analytics, and advanced reporting.
Setting up Fortinet's FortiWeb Cloud WAF-as-a-Service for Azure
Setting Up Fortinet's FortiWeb Cloud WAF-as-a-Service for AWS
Alcide is a cloud-native security leader with the mission to empower DevOps and security teams to manage application and networking security through the intelligent automation of security policies applied uniformly, regardless of the workload and infrastructure.
AWS services are trusted by more than a million active customers around the world – including the fastest growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies – to power their infrastructures, make them more agile, and lower costs.
Learn more on the Fortinet-AWS alliance
Cubro is a leading manufacturer and global supplier of IT Network TAPs, Advanced Network Packet Brokers and Bypass Switches. Together with Fortinet we enable total network visibility into your traffic, where we differentiate solutions for Telecommunications, ISP, Data Centre, Enterprise, and Government in virtualized or physical environments.
D3 Security's award-winning SOAR platform seamlessly combines security orchestration, automation and response with enterprise-grade investigation/case management, trend reporting and analytics. With D3's adaptable playbooks and scalable architecture, security teams can automate SOC use-cases to reduce MTTR by over 95%, and manage the full lifecycle of any incident or investigation.
DFLabs IncMan SOAR leverages existing security products to dramatically reduce the response and remediation gap caused by limited resources and the increasing volume of incidents. Together with Fortinet, IncMan allows joint customers to respond to security incidents in a faster, more informed and efficient manner.
At ElevenPaths, Telefónica Cyber Security Unit, we believe in the idea of challenging the current state of security, an attribute that must always be present in technology. We’re always redefining the relationship between security and people, with the aim of creating innovative security products which can transform the concept of security, thus keeping us one step ahead of attackers, who are increasingly present in our digital life.
Gigamon provides active visibility into physical and virtual network traffic, enabling stronger security, and superior performance.
Google Cloud Platform is a secure, dedicated public cloud computing service operated by Google which provides a range of infrastructure and application services that enable deployments in the cloud. Fortinet provides critical firewalling, advanced security and scalable BYOL protection for elastic compute, container, and machine-learning workloads in Google’s innovative public cloud.
HashiCorp is the leader in multi-cloud infrastructure automation software. The HashiCorp software suite enables organizations to adopt consistent workflows to provision, secure, connect, and run any infrastructure for any application. HashiCorp open source tools Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, Vault, Consul, and Nomad are downloaded tens of millions of times each year and are broadly adopted by the Global 2000.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise is an industry-leading technology company that enables customers to go further, faster. With the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio, HPE's technology and services help customers around the world make IT more efficient, more productive, and more secure.