制造业组织将操作系统连接至互联网时,通常面临众多潜在网络安全风险。Fortinet Security Fabric 支持无缝集成跨 OT 和 IT 环境的广泛网络安全组件,提供具有针对性的解决方案,全方位护航制造车间、数据中心和多云环境。
马上观看制造业亟需保护工业系统安全,确保持续高效运营、业务连续性、产品完整性并满足合规性要求。Fortinet Security Fabric 安全平台可全面保护各类制造业业务,为后台管理系统、制造车间、数据中心以及云端安全保驾护航。Fortinet 解决方案助力制造业将安全覆盖范围扩展至所有攻击面和任意位置用户。
制造业组织将操作系统连接至互联网时,通常面临众多潜在网络安全风险。Fortinet Security Fabric 支持无缝集成跨 OT 和 IT 环境的广泛网络安全组件,提供具有针对性的解决方案,全方位护航制造车间、数据中心和多云环境。
马上观看面对及时生产及快速变化的业务市场需求,一旦企业网络遭受安全事件攻击或被迫停工停产全力应对此类事件,都将令企业蒙受重大损失。Fortinet Security Fabric 安全平台,支持用户基于单一管理平台获得广泛可见性和集中控制能力,全面保护 IT、OT 和物理安全。
了解更多企业应首先开展风险与安全评估,并基于评估结果制定最佳威胁缓解方案,以全面增强工业控制系统 (ICS) 的安全性。这些举措有助于及时发现潜在的网络安全问题,并获得一系列深入洞察,但这些洞察并无法窥探 ICS 安全态势的全貌。部署各类安全控制措施,如预防、监控、检测和事件响应组件同样至关重要。与此同时,企业还应实施网络分段,根据已确定的网络安全要求和保护等级将 ICS 划分为多个安全区域。
制造业企业通常需运营并管理昂贵且复杂的工厂设备,其机器运行系统正加速实现互联互通。深入探索 Fortinet Security Fabric 安全平台如何助力制造业高效应对网络安全挑战。
了解更多Collaboration and discussion between IT and OT security teams about actual barriers and boundaries can unlock apprehensions so that organizations can include OT networks in their comprehensive zero-trust security strategies.
Protecting IT and OT Resources Against Advanced Threats in Manufacturing with a Single Platform
Enabling Remote Work and Ensuring Business Continuity
Going from implied trust to zero trust
FortiGuard Industrial Security Service Secures ICS and OT With Application Control and Virtual Patching
Sophisticated tools and best practices are expanding every day to make it easier to prevail as a defender. As manufacturers learn more about these technologies and practices, they will make it possible to tap into the benefits of digitalization while minimizing risks and becoming more competitive and resilient overall.
当前,许多工业控制系统(ICS)的所有者和运营商均意识到优化和有效管理 ICS 网 络安全的必要性。因为工控系统的设计、部署和操作均基于传统技术、方法和意识形 态,导致 ICS 中潜藏大量安全问题和漏洞。如今,意识形态虽有所改变,但核心 ICS 技术尚未迎来重大改变,因此针对 ICS 的网络安全发展依旧缓慢。远程访问和针对 ICS 的攻击等明确而现实的危险,迫使我们对方法进行调整,但也仅限于文化、劳动 力资源和技术限制允许的范围内。
New survey on OT security preparedness reveals that plants understand most common cyber threat vectors, despite little agreement across industry on which department should lead these initiatives
As the food & beverage industry works to catch up with other industries in general adoption of internet technologies (remote monitoring, cloud-based computing, Industrial Internet of Things), it’s also ramping up its safeguards against cyberattacks.
The Fortinet OT Security Platform is a comprehensive system designed to protect OT environments. This platform includes secure networking, zero trust support, security operations solutions, dedicated threat intelligence, and a far-reaching and inclusi.ve technology alliance ecosystem
One of the frequently overlooked benefits of IT/OT convergence is the ability to streamline the security operations in IT and OT environments in a converged security operations center (SOC).
Microsegmentation provides OT networks with the security they need— without sacrificing network performance.
With an Adaptive, Businesswide Security Fabric
Enterprise Security for Changing Times - Protection for Expanding Infrastructures, Increasing Attacks, and Compliance
Today, the convergence of IT and OT networks means that ever-evolving cyberthreats now have easier access to previously air-gapped OT environments. So, the need to apply a zero-trust cybersecurity model to OT has become increasingly important.
IT and OT networks are being integrated as digital transformation initiatives sweep across industrial sectors. This shift presents an opportunity to converge security operations across IT and OT in one security operations center (SOC).
Operational technology (OT) industries are rapidly undergoing digital transformation just like other organizations. However, the nature of OT environments means they will require security and networking features that IT-only environments may not. Locations may be remote and/or require equipment that can stand up to unusual environmental conditions. Nonetheless, distributed OT assets need to be connected to the enterprise in a safe, reliable, and cost effective manner
Discover how Barnes Group, a global industrial and aerospace manufacturing leader, secures its expansive corporate network. With over 8,000 endpoints, Barnes Group relies on Fortinet Universal ZTNA, advanced endpoint and network protection, and FortiGuard AI-powered Security Services to maintain top-notch security.
Toyota Material Handling North America is an industry leader in manufacturing material handling solutions. The team faced an aging security infrastructure and needed to modernize its systems. Hear how Fortinet increased its network visibility, reduced vulnerabilities, and secured the risk of east-west lateral movement.
As manufacturers work to digitize their operations, this shift exposes their organizations to more cybersecurity risks, particularly with the increases in smart devices on factory floors. Manufacturers Alliance and Fortinet studied strategies for coping with the new threat landscape, the state of IT and operational technology (OT) collaboration, promising tactics, and barriers to progress.
Manufacturing organizations manage expensive and sophisticated equipment at their factories—and the systems that run the machinery are increasingly being connected to the internet. The cybersecurity implications of this trend are significant, including possible threats to physical safety, and in some cases, national security. By designing cybersecurity into these complex infrastructures via the Fortinet Security Fabric, organizations can integrate cybersecurity protection across OT and IT environments, from the manufacturing floor to the data center to multiple clouds.
The cybersecurity initiatives among manufacturing environments are evolving even as awareness of vulnerabilities continues to lag.