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How do you secure your complex digital business?

FortiGuard Labs expects more zero-days and zero-day brokers, increased supply chain attacks, and OT-edge attacks as risk heightens.


Evil Plans


AI-Powered Security Built for Today’s Complex Networks

Get coordinated, automated enterprise security with FortiGuard Security Services and Fortinet Secure Networking.

How FortiGuard Services Can Help

FortiGuard AI-Powered Security Services deliver powerful security capabilities that are tightly integrated into FortiGate Next-Generation Firewalls and related solutions. They provide advanced protection for branch, campus, data center, and cloud deployments.

AI-powered threat protection

Fight AI with AI. Protect your hybrid IT environments against unknown, zero-day, and emerging AI-based threats in real time.

Consistent security policies and controls

Identify and close security gaps, optimize threat protection, and achieve a better user experience with consistent protection across all edges.

Visibility of your attack surface including IoT

Continuously assess your attack surface and the state of controls against popular frameworks. 

Secure the data center

Perform deep packet inspection of encrypted network traffic. Detect known and unknown malware and prevent its spread.

Protect branches and campuses

Stop malicious network traffic from getting through while enabling secure internet access and protecting against web and DNS-based threats.

Secure complex environments

Enable comprehensive protection for complex environments including IT/OT/IoT and hybrid environments. 

FortiGuard Services for Secure Networking Solutions

Mostra tutti i servizi
FortiGuard Intrusion Prevention Service | Fortinet
FortiGuard IPS Service

Fornisce le difese più aggiornate contro minacce e vulnerabilità note e precedentemente sconosciute.

FortiGuard Antivirus Service
FortiGuard Antivirus Service

Protegge dai più recenti attacchi polimorfici, virus, malware (incluso il ransomware) e altre minacce.

Application Control
Application Control

Organizzazioni di tutto il mondo utilizzano il controllo applicazioni FortiGuard e le funzionalità IPS nella piattaforma FortiGate per gestire migliaia di diverse applicazioni e bloccare intrusioni di rete. Ogni minuto, ogni giorno, FortiGuard IPS blocca circa 470.000 intrusioni di rete.

FortiGuard Data Loss Prevention Service
FortiGuard Data Loss Prevention Service

Blocca le divulgazioni intenzionali e accidentali di dati sensibili, soddisfacendo al contempo i requisiti chiave per la sicurezza dei dati associati ai principali framework.

FortiGuard DNS Security
FortiGuard DNS Security

Offre una visibilità completa del traffico DNS e blocca i domini ad alto rischio, compresi i domini malevoli registrati di recente (NRD, Newly Registered Domain) e i domini parcheggiati.

FortiGuard URL Filtering Service
FortiGuard URL Filtering Service

Utilizza l’analisi e la correlazione del comportamento basata sull’intelligenza artificiale per bloccare quasi immediatamente URL dannosi sconosciuti, con quasi zero falsi negativi.

Sicurezza IP Reputation & Anti-botnet
Sicurezza IP Reputation & Anti-botnet

Aggrega dati IP di fonti malevole provenienti dalla rete distribuita Fortnet di sensori di minacce, CERT, MITRE e altre fonti globali che collaborano per fornire threat intelligence aggiornata.

FortiGuard Attack Surface Security Service
FortiGuard Attack Surface Security Service

Valuta e classifica la tua infrastruttura Security Fabric in base alle best practice e ai più importanti framework di conformità e sicurezza. Include la copertura per i dispositivi IoT connessi.


Riduce drasticamente lo spam sul perimetro attraverso un approccio multilivello per filtrare le e-mail.

FortiGuard Industrial Security Service | Fortinet
FortiGuard Industrial Security Service

Identifica e controlla la maggior parte dei protocolli ICS/OT/SCADA comuni, offrendo visibilità granulare e controllo con signature continuamente aggiornate.

Third-Party Validation

Forrester TEI Study: Fortinet NGFW for Data Center And AI-Powered FortiGuard Security Services
The Forrester Total Economic Impact study demonstrates that the Fortinet NGFW for Data Center and AI-Powered FortiGuard Security Services solution has a 318% return on investment, $10.55 million in savings benefits, and less than a 6 month payback period
Forrester Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study reveals 318% ROI and $10.6M in cost benefits achieved with the Fortinet Data Center cybersecurity solution.
In addition to a significant ROI, key results from the 2023 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting include improved networking and security performance, increased networking and security team efficiencies, end-user productivity gains, notable cost savings, and better sustainability.
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