Fortinet NDR 解決方案結合 AI 驅動和人為分析,以偵測和回應已知和未知的網路威脅。
免費產品演示FortiNDR 雲端和 FortiNDR 是 Fortinet SecOps 平台的一部分,可透過靈活的部署選擇,讓您的安全團隊能夠偵測、優先處理、調查、搜尋和回應整個網路的攻擊。透過基於 AI 的偵測和專家分析的強大功能,安全團隊可以及早發現攻擊者行為的證據,從而實現有效的回應。
網路偵測及回應結合了人類、行為及基於 AI 的網路流量分析,不需安裝代理程式就能偵測惡意活動的跡象。透過中繼資料分析,FortiNDR 雲端可建立高保真度偵測,從而改善回應。FortiNDR 雲端是一款 SaaS 產品,旨在滿足您的架構和安全要求。
任務關鍵型基礎架構和氣隙環境需要符合額外的機密性和合規性要求。FortiNDR 可以在隔離的環境中操作,確保安全營運,同時提供對 IT/OT 網路流量的全面可視性。該解決方案透過 AI 驅動的網路流量和檔案式分析來自動執行調查工作,提供進階威脅的即時識別,包括可能停留在您的網路中的持續性威脅。
只需按幾下滑鼠,安全團隊就能透過 FortiNDR 解決方案進行從偵測到調查,再到威脅獵捕的所有動作。FortiNDR 解決方案能與 Fortinet 安全織網和許多第三方工具整合,如 EDR、SOAR、SIEM 和 XDR,確保您可以自動執行調查、分類和補救。
FortiNDR 雲端和 FortiNDR 利用 AI/ML、行為和人為分析來分析網路流量,包括加密流量,以偵測惡意行為同時減少誤報。
AI 驅動的偵測
監督和非監督式 AI/ML 持續分析網路中繼資料
與 Fortinet 安全織網和第三方供應商整合可確保自動回應
採用 FortiGuard 的威脅情資
基於 ML 和規則的偵測由 FortiGuard Labs 威脅情報提供支援
專為 OT 網路設計
FortiNDR 是一款 OT 感知解決方案,可選擇採用工業安全和 OT 惡意軟體偵測功能
FortiNDR 雲端引導式 SaaS 可降低 NDR 管理和維護成本
FortiGuard Labs 是 Fortinet 的精英網路安全威脅情報和研究機構,由經驗豐富的威脅獵人、研究人員、分析師、工程師和資料科學家組成,其目的在於開發和增強 FortiGuard AI 驅動的安全服務,並透過 FortiGuard 專家驅動的安全服務提供有價值的專家協助。
FortiNDR 雲端和 FortiNDR 旨在透過分析網路流量,尋找攻擊者活動的警示訊號,以偵測傳統安全解決方案可能忽略的威脅。Fortinet 的網路偵測和回應解決方案可用作雲端式 SaaS 模式或本地、內部部署選項。請選取下列選項以獲得更多資訊。
功能 | FortiNDR |
部署 | SaaS |
資料儲存位置 |
雲端式 (美國) |
資料保留 |
365 天 |
感測器 | 硬體 - FortiNDRCloud-900F (大型感測器) 硬體 - FortiNDRCloud-500F (小型感測器) 虛擬感測器 (AWS/Azure/ESXi/KVM) |
功能 | FortiNDR |
部署 | 內部部署 - 適用於 OT、氣隙環境 |
資料儲存位置 |
內部部署 |
整合 | 本地 Fortinet Fabric 整合 |
資料保留 |
視磁碟而定 |
部署模式 | 硬體 - FortiNDR-3500F (中央、獨立) 硬體 - FortiNDR-1000F (感測器、獨立) VM16/VM32 (ESXi/KVM) (感測器、獨立) AWS/Azure/GCP/Alibaba (感測器、獨立) |
Fortinet has been recognized as a “Leader” in KuppingerCole’s latest NDR Leadership Compass.
Improved Security Team Operational Efficiency and Reduced Risk to the Organization, Each by Up to 99%
This white paper takes a closer look at the valuable insights security teams can gain when they correlate NDR, EDR, and NGFW data across the network.
Network detection and response solutions offer AI-driven breach prevention to help your security operations center (SOC) team detect and remediate incidents faster and more efficiently.
By integrating endpoint detection and response (EDR), network detection and response (NDR), and next-generation firewall (NGFW) technology, security teams gain comprehensive visibility, greater productivity, and streamlined response processes.
Insights from Incident Responders and Tips for Protecting Your Organization
Use Extended Detection and Response (XDR) as a Unifying Architecture
Unifying detection and response efforts improves response times while enhancing SOC productivity. Read more.
Fortinet FortiNDR solutions and give security teams the ability to detect, prioritize, investigate, hunt, and respond to attacks.
Read how Fortinet's products and services enabled an organization to reap the benefits of a highly secure and effective approach to remote access.
Read about a few challenges security operation teams face along with areas of consideration for a successful NDR deployment.
Fortinet NDR solutions collect network traffic from cloud, hybrid-cloud, IT, and OT infrastructures to identify malicious network activity and files.
By analyzing suspicious activity from multiple perspectives, specifically network and endpoint data, security operations center (SOC) analysts gain better insights and higher-fidelity detections that shed light on unknown attacks so they can halt evolving threats quickly.
Fortinet Security Operations Solution uses AI and advanced analytics to monitor activity across users, devices, networks, emails, applications, files, and logs and detect anomalous or malicious actions that humans may easily overlook.
As attackers become more adept at hiding their activities in network traffic, security teams need a solution that analyzes and correlates network artifacts to spot potentially malicious activity.
The Fortinet network detection security solutions provide the industry’s most advanced AI-enabled network-based threat detection capabilities that improves SOC teams’ ability to rapidly identify and respond to sophisticated threats.
Watch as Jeremy Hubble, Product Manager for FortiNDR Cloud, demonstrates how FortiNDR Cloud integrates with FortiGate NGFWs, allowing security analysts to ban impacted IP addresses.
In this video tutorial, FortiNDR Cloud Technical Success Manager (TSM), Scott Hall walks through the process for triaging FortiNDR Cloud detections.
Watch as FortiNDR Cloud Technical Success Manager (TSM), Scott Hall, provides an overview of the FortiNDR Cloud Entity Panel and discusses how Entity information is collected and used throughout the platform.
FortiNDR Cloud Technical Demo