適用於 OT 環境的 Fortinet Security Fabric 安全織網
借助 Fortinet Security Fabric 安全織網,可順利實現融合 IT/OT 生態系統的安全性。它提供以 OT 為中心的功能和產品,將 Security-Fabric 功能擴展到 OT 網路。為了減輕整個組織的安全風險,Fortinet 增強了 OT 安全性產品線。創新的範圍從邊緣產品一直延伸到 NOC/SOC 工具和服務,以確保高效能。
立即觀看操作技術(OT)和資訊技術(IT)的結合,會影響工業控制系統(ICS)和監督控制與資料擷取(SCADA)系統的安全性。透過 OT-Aware Fortinet Security Fabric 安全織網在複雜的基礎設施中採用安全性設計,OT 組織可以用高效、不中斷的方式,確保 OT 環境受到保護且合乎規範。
自去年以來,OT 入侵數量暴增。最新的 OT 專業人員年度調查報告將探討攻擊趨勢及其對組織的影響,以及 OT 資安態勢正在成熟的一些正面跡象。
探索今年報告中保護 OT 系統的最新比較分析和最佳做法。
立即下載借助 Fortinet Security Fabric 安全織網,可順利實現融合 IT/OT 生態系統的安全性。它提供以 OT 為中心的功能和產品,將 Security-Fabric 功能擴展到 OT 網路。為了減輕整個組織的安全風險,Fortinet 增強了 OT 安全性產品線。創新的範圍從邊緣產品一直延伸到 NOC/SOC 工具和服務,以確保高效能。
立即觀看隨著數位轉型(DX)加速,組織要瞭解 IT 與 OT 網路之間的相似性和差異性,這一點十分重要。Fortinet Security Fabric 安全織網可保護 OT 和 IT 網路的數位攻擊面。部署 Fabric,可為您的安全環境提供可視性、整合、自動化和彈性。
IT-OT 網路
數位轉型(產業 4.0)計畫正在推動 IT-OT 網路的融合。
5G、loT 和雲端等技術增加了複雜性,必須受到保護。
資產所有者對 OEM 和 SI 的依賴讓關鍵系統面臨額外風險。
Fortinet 的網路架構參考 Purdue 模型,以區分 IT 和 OT 解決方案。 幸運的是,對於尋求供應商整合和 IT/OT 融合的客戶來說,Fortinet IT Security Fabric 安全織網和 Fortinet OT-Aware Security Fabric 安全織網實現了 IT 和 OT 之間的無縫網路和安全運作。 以下是 Fortinet 保護 IT 和 OT 的產品和服務的細項。
網際網路/WAN 區域提供對基於雲端的計算和分析服務的存取,以支援營運環境中的 ERP 和 MRP 系統。為了進行強效驗證,使用雙因素驗證 (2FA) 和 VPN 通道來驗證身分並保持資料隱私。
企業區域通常位於企業層級,涵蓋多個設施、地點或工廠,而業務系統則負責執行營運任務,並包括 IT 網路和安全營運中心(IT NOC/SOC)。
企業區域與現場作業區域之間,是融合的 IT 和 OT 區域,又稱為非軍事區(DMZ)。DMZ 可讓組織安全地連接具有不同安全要求的網路。安全保護包括驗證和業務區隔,提供可視性、控制和態勢感知,以管理已知和未知的威脅。驗證網路上的人員和內容,並為使用者、裝置、應用程式和通訊協定提供角色型存取控制。利用沙箱模擬分析與偵測,防範未知的威脅,並提供業界資安訊息給 NOC/SOC。
Site Operations 可將設施中執行流程的所有系統集中控制,並加以監控。這是 OT 系統與 IT 系統共用資料的地方。FortiGate 新一代防火牆設備經常部署在此處,以實現頂級保護和分段,同時提供可視性和控制。
工控區是生產所在。此區域包含 PLC 和 RTU 等數位控制元件,可將 IP 通訊轉換成序列指令,包括支援 IoT 裝置的其他網路。此區域中的 Fortinet 產品包括:FortiGate、FortiSwitch 和 FortiAP。
Fortinet is the only vendor that achieved leader status and one of the fastest-growing OT security vendors.
IEC 62443 is a set of Industrial Control System (ICS) security standards written by ICS experts for ICS owners, manufacturers and integrators across a range of applications and sectors. Evaluating assigned security levels within identified security zones and conduits against functional and system requirements provides a cohesive approach to security. Fortinet teamed with the SANS Institute to review the standard and the needs from technology that support implementation. With guidance from IEC 62443 and implementation of Fortinet’s solutions, you can address the security of an ICS strategically.
Fortinet surveyed water utility leaders during the fourth quarter of 2021 to understand utilities’ status and future needs for improved water system cybersecurity
Collaboration and discussion between IT and OT security teams about actual barriers and boundaries can unlock apprehensions so that organizations can include OT networks in their comprehensive zero-trust security strategies.
Enabling Remote Work and Ensuring Business Continuity
This comprehensive guide explains how Fortinet effectively provides security throughout the interconnected IT and OT infrastructure while fully enabling integration across Fortinet and partner security solutions and supporting security automation across the entire security ecosystem.
Going from implied trust to zero trust
Secure IT/OT Convergence with the Fortinet Network Access Control Solution
FortiGuard Industrial Security Service Secures ICS and OT With Application Control and Virtual Patching
Fortinet Secure SD-WAN addresses today’s WAN challenges, combining next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) with integrated solutions for management and analytics to centralize and simplify SD-WAN operations.
The Fortinet OT Security Platform is a comprehensive system designed to protect OT environments. This platform includes secure networking, zero trust support, security operations solutions, dedicated threat intelligence, and a far-reaching and inclusi.ve technology alliance ecosystem
Microsegmentation provides OT networks with the security they need— without sacrificing network performance.
This ebook identifies and discusses the drivers of IT and OT network convergence. It also highlights the technologies that asset owners should deploy to address the challenges posed by connecting industrial environments to the data center and the cloud.
CISOs need comprehensive strategies for confronting known and unknown threats, with a focus on mitigating the impact of breaches that have succeeded in evading security controls.
To connect and use the latest 5G technology in OT environments like electrical substations and remote oil and gas sites, appliances must operate in harsh and sometimes extreme conditions. When selecting solutions, look for these 5 things.
Today, the convergence of IT and OT networks means that ever-evolving cyberthreats now have easier access to previously air-gapped OT environments. So, the need to apply a zero-trust cybersecurity model to OT has become increasingly important.
Operational technology (OT) industries are rapidly undergoing digital transformation just like other organizations. However, the nature of OT environments means they will require security and networking features that IT-only environments may not. Locations may be remote and/or require equipment that can stand up to unusual environmental conditions. Nonetheless, distributed OT assets need to be connected to the enterprise in a safe, reliable, and cost effective manner